Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Jeff wants to know what concentration of bleach would be most effective at killing
bacteria without overdoing it and using too much bleach. Jeff makes 3 solutions of
bleach in water, 1, 5, and 10% solutions. He then adds a specific number of bacteria to a
test tube of each solution and waits 3 minutes. He puts these bacterial on a petri plate
and later counts colonies to see how many bacteria survived. In this experiment, the
number of bacteria that were killed would be...

 Response/dependent variable


The atomic mass of an element
A. is determined by the number of protons and neutrons it contains.
B. equals the number of protons plus the number of electrons.
C. equals the number of neutrons.
D. depends on the number of electrons in the outermost shell

A. is determined by the number of protons and neutrons it contains.


 Imprinting is of benefit to organisms because it allows them to
A. perform the proper courtship ritual.
B. defend their territory.
C. recognize a member of their own species.
D. build a better nest.

C. recognize a member of their own species.


 A number of populations of different species interacting with one another in a natural
environment, such as a rotten log, is called


In the biosphere, which of the following is NOT constantly recycled?
A. carbon
B. nitrogen
C. water
D. energy

D. energy


Which statement regarding the scientific method is false? 

A. A theory is an explanation of why a pattern occurs.
B. Confounding variables make experiments difficult to interpret.
C. Deductive reasoning is often used in the design of an experiment.
D. A control group is always exposed to the factor being tested

D. A control group is always exposed to the factor being tested


Which type of bond formation is responsible for the properties of water?

Hydrogen bonds


Learned behavior that causes a family of baby ducks to follow their mother is called...



When the number of births exceeds the number of deaths, this results in

A. population growth.
B. biotic potential.
C. environmental resistance.
D. doubling time

A. population growth.


 Fungi and bacteria are detritus-feeders, also known as...



All the birds called cardinals (Cardinals cardinalis) in a forest would comprise a(n)




You notice that rain water forms "beads" on your car. This is an example of what
property of water?



Male elk may earn the right to mate with female elk by battling other males with their
antlers. This is an example of...

Sexual selection


A population expanding at the rate of 2 - 4 - 8 - 16 - 32 - 64...etc., is in

Exponential growth


 Which kind of organism would be most likely to perform photosynthesis?

A. heterotroph
B. herbivore
C. decomposer
D. autotroph

D. autotroph


Which of the following is a way to control for confounding variables in the antibiotic
experiment covered in the textbook?

A. using many replicates
B. allowing the person doing the endoscopies to know which subjects are
C. randomly assigning test subjects to different groups
D. only a and c are true
E. all of the answers are true

D. only a and c are true


A genetic mutation can cause a change in the sequence of the 20 amino acids used
to build proteins. Such a change is a change to the protein's
A. primary structure only.
B. secondary structure only.
C. tertiary structure only.
D. primary structure, but this will likely alter higher levels of structure as well.
E. quaternary structure only.

D. primary structure, but this will likely alter higher levels of structure as well.


Why should a female butterfly choose a vibrantly colored male for mating?
A. Brightly colored males are healthier and more likely to produce healthy
B. Brightly colored males are less attractive to predators.
C. Brightly colored males are better parents and help with raising offspring.
D. Brightly colored males are better camouflaged

A. Brightly colored males are healthier and more likely to produce healthy


Population size is believed to level off at the _______ of an environment.

Carrying capacity


When a plant produces food by photosynthesis, what is the fate of food stored as
sugars, starches, etc.?
A. All of the food stored by plants is eventually consumed by animal consumers.
B. All of the food stored by plants is eventually consumed by either animals or
C. Most of the plant is consumed by animals and very little is consumed by
D. A portion of the food is used by the plant itself in cellular respiration and the
rest is consumed by animals or by decomposers.

D. A portion of the food is used by the plant itself in cellular respiration and the
rest is consumed by animals or by decomposers.


A physician specializes in surgery involving the following group of organs: mouth,
esophagus, stomach, and intestines. Overall, what is the highest level of organization
that this physician is specialized in?

Organ system


____ is a polysaccharide that is found in plant cell walls and accounts for their



Siblings who are not identical twins have a genetic relatedness of ____________?



A form of symbiosis in which one participant benefits and the other apparently is not
benefited nor harmed is



 Energy flow in an ecosystem is NOT cyclic because energy is
A. increased as you go up the energy pyramid.
B. evenly spread out over many organisms.
C. converted to many kinds of useful energy.
D. totally destroyed as it is used.
E. no longer useful when it is converted to heat

E. no longer useful when it is converted to heat