Care / EMR

Who will you send you your EMT license

The state you pass the class (Kansas)


What position should a patient be in after resuscitation

 lateral recumbent

Name the medical name for laying on the left side...the right side?


What system is initiated when someone becomes frightened



If a young child is suffering from hypoxia, what would expect the pulse to be. (cyanotic/sleepy)



Things we have to pay particular attention to when treating the elderly?

Since they often have pain, many will not notice varying differences than the daily pain they have.  


What is the best way to reduce stress

drinking heavily is not the answer........its exercise


When doing CPR - what is one of the most important skills to use

Have good chest recoil

fill the chambers / empty the chambers


Cardiovascular system: What part of the heart contains the largest muscle in the heart

Left Ventricle


What is the first step in assessing a patient during our primary assessment after we have determined our LOC?

That they have a patent airway.  

If the patient is snoring, been vomiting, is breathing to fast or slow...this is number one priority since the rest of the systems cannot survive without oxygen


The general impression was created to help a rescuer determine....

If the patient is stable or unstable


What type of patient is the biggest concern for public health

Someone overseas that returns ill.


How do we administer oxygen to a patient getting CPR

A BVM and adjunct is give as much as you have available

FYI - If you have 02 with you...then give patient as much oxygen as you can (BVM with oxygen gives the patient more O2 that using just the BVM)


Respiratory system:  What is the greatest concern when alveoli are filled with fluid

inadequate or no gas exchange are possible


What is taking the blood pressure without a stethoscope called

BP by Palpation--Palpate the brachial pulse then place the BP cuff 2 inches above it. Find the radial pulse.

  Pump up the cuff until the radial pulse becomes absent then pump up 20 more.  (maintain the radial pulse)  as you release the cuff, make a note of the first pump you feel and then release.   BP by palpation is written as 120/P


Calling for additional help is crucial because:

Can decrease scene time   Also makes available skills an EMR does not have


What is one of the primary reasons to always consider your safety.

Can't help anyone if you become a patient


When tending to a patient with chest pain that appears to need medical assistance with a life threatening condition, you should first ensure:

ALS is on the way!


Cardiovascular system:   What is the primary difference between a heart attack and cardiac arrest

In a heart attack the heart is still pumping blood, though badly.   In cardiac arrest, the heart is not pumping blood at all.


When you look at many scenes..what potential threat should always be on your mind?

Are other people involved?  are we being recorded?...are concerns:  

But the biggest is that there can be hazards you have not seen that could be life threatening.


Before doing a jaw thrust or measuring a C collar you must do what?

Place the head in a neutral position.


Why does Dispatch ask so many questions

They are trained to get critical information to relay to the ambulance/fire


During CPR, we try and minimize this for efficient and more successful resuscitation?

Long pauses off the chest


Cardiovascular:  What does the blood pressure do when adjusting to blood loss.

Usually first compensates and then decompensates.  

Goes up initially as the body is trying to get help for the organs / then slows down and falls if increasing the blood pressure did not work


If a patient indicates they have pain that they have felt before - what would be a good expansion question?

Describe how this pain is different than the last time.


What are signs of inadequate breathing?

decreasing respirations that are very shallow