DNA Replication
Genetic Code & Transcription
RNA Processing
Translation & Mutations
Post-translational Processing

The main enzyme involved in DNA replication that reads from the 3' to 5' direction

What is DNA Pol III?


The idea that DNA contains genes which codes for RNA to then be “translated” into proteins.

What is the Central Dogma of Molecular Cell Biology?


This term describes how nucleotides are grouped into triplets during translation, determining the sequence of amino acids in a protein.

What is the reading frame?


This type of mutation occurs when nucleotides are added or deleted from the DNA sequence, altering the reading frame and often resulting in a completely different protein.

What is a frameshift mutation?


Modifications of amino acids can affect the interactions between side chains, ultimately influencing this structure of a protein.

What is the tertiary structure of a protein?


In DNA replication, nucleotides are added exclusively to this end of the growing daughter strand.

What is the 3' end?


RNA Pol II directly transcribes this DNA strand from the 3' to 5' direction.

What is the template DNA strand?


Much of a ribosome is comprised of this.

What is rRNA?


This term refers to the flexibility in base pairing at the 3rd position of a codon, allowing for some tRNA to recognize multiple codons for the same amino acid.

What is the wobble position?


The entire ribosome is brought here to resume translation with the finished polypeptide located within this organelle.

What is the endoplasmic reticulum?


The energy required for DNA polymerization comes from the hydrolysis of these high-energy bonds in deoxynucleoside triphosphates.

What are phosphate bonds?


This strand is identical to the mRNA strand except has Uracil present instead of Thymine.

What is the coding strand?

This site of the ribosome holds the growing polypeptide chain.

What is the P site?


The breaking of this bond in this molecule allows for the translocation of the tRNA's to the next site in the ribosome.

What is the phosphate bond in GTP?


This molecule is formed upon the addition of amino acids to the 3' OH end of a tRNA.

What is an aminoacyl tRNA?


These specific sequences in DNA, rich in A/T bonds, serve as markers that facilitate the initiation of replication.

What are consensus sequences?


Transcription and translation occur simultaneously in these type of organisms.

What are prokaryotes?

This modification of the mRNA strand helps facilitate recognition and binding to the ribosome for translation.

What is the 5' cap?


In the ribosome, the first tRNA molecule binds to this specific site during the initiation of translation

What is the P site?


This process involves the movement of proteins into the nucleus and other organelles after they have been synthesized in the cytosol.

What is post-translational import?

DNA Pol III synthesizes this strand away from the replication fork.

What is the lagging strand?


This stage of chromatin is associated with active gene transcription.

What is euchromatin/uncondensed chromosomes?


This is where we can find the amino acid on the tRNA molecule.

What is the 3' end?


The first tRNA carries this amino acid.

What is methionine?


These amino acid sequences control how much of a cotranslating polypeptide chain ends up in the ER.

What are start and stop transfer sequences?