Genetics &
Fetal Development
Health Promotion
Contraception and Breast Health

Most common antiretroviral used in HIV positive women to decrease transmission to baby.

What is the most common side effect? 

What is: Zidovudine and bone marrow suppression. 


How can the nurse help a family cope with infertility problems. 

Refer to support groups, offer resources and education. 


Typical time of the month when ovulation occurs.

What is around day 14 out of a 28 day cycle. 


Three possible health related problems for a client post rape.  

What is pregnancy, STI's, and mental health problems (anxiety, PTSD, depression, etc.)


Proper time for breast self-exam. 

What is: 5-7 days after the start of menses


Overgrowh of anaerobic bacteria that leads to a fishy vaginal odor

What is bacterial vaginosis 


Describe the placenta, amniotic fluid, and umbilical cord components as well as their function. 

Placenta: secretion of hormones (hCG, human placental lactogen, progesterone, estrogen. metabolic functions include respirations, gas exchange, nutrient delivery, and waste removal

Amniotic Fluid: maintains fetal temperature, fluid and electrolyte balance, allows for fetal movement, musculoskeletal development, antibacterial factors, facilitates symmetrical growth when baby doesn't get wrapped in cord (amniotic bands). (Oligohydramnios vs. polyhydramnios)

Umbilical cord: highway of 3 vessels to deliver and remove nutrtient/waste. Surrounded by wharton's jelly to provide cushion for protection of vessels 


Severe pain with menstruation, over growth of endometrial tissue outside of the uterus, painful intercourse. 

What is endometriosis.


How to prevent vaginal infections. 

Proper hygiene (wiping front to back, clean after intercourse, etc.) no douching, urinate often, balanced nutrition, cotton loose fitting clothes, etc. 


Risk factors for breast cancer.

What are family history (especially mom/sister), age, BRCA 1 and 2 genes, history of ovarian, endometrial, or colon cancer. Early menarche, white race, nulliparity, not breastfeeding, obesity after menopause, sedentary lifestyle, alcohol use, etc. 


Develop a teaching plan for patient taking medication to treat STI. 

Take entire regimen (don't stop when symptoms go away), report adverse effects, abstain from intercourse until treatment is complete, stress importance of partner treatment. 


Interpret findings for 38 year old pregnant woman with decreased AFP level on maternal serum quad screen test. 

What is: possible down syndrome. 


Causes of amenorrhea

Pregnancy, anatomic abnormalities, endocrine dysfunction, PCOS, type 1 DM, drug use (dilantin/alcohol/oral contraceptives), excessive exercise (often with anorexia and bulemia). 

Develop a safety plan for a victim of domestic violence. 

What is: having a safe place to go (shelter, vs family member/friend), money, call phone without tracking, clothes, gas in car, etc. 


Patient with mastectomy: nursing tips and patient education. 

NO BP's/blood draws/injections on affected side. Incision care/dressing changes, teaching exercises, wear loose fitting clothing, keep follow up appointments, etc. 


List 8 signs and symptoms of herpes simplex virus. 

Painful lesions, fever, chills, malaise, and severe dysuria that last 2-3 weeks. Itching, vulvar edema, a heavy to watery purulent discharge may also occur.


Discuss autosomal recessive inheritance of genetic transmission. 

Both genes of a pair associated with a disorder must be abnormal for expression. If only one of the genes on the pair is abnormal, the person would only be a carrier.  Affects male and females equally.  Some examples are cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, PKU. 


Describe the pathophysiology and symptoms experienced in menopause

Decline of ovarian function, eventual cessation of estrogen production leads to cessation of menses (1 year). Hot flashes, vaginal dryness, irregular periods, etc. 

Diagnosis for patient with miconazole treatment. 

What is candidiasis


This patient needs to use a back up birth control method. 

Taking antibiotics, antiseizure meds (phenytoin), some antipsychotics (barbiturates), or the patient who has missed OC pills. 

Which STI's are tested for during pregnancy and when? What are the treatments for each if positive?

Chlamydia- azithromycin 1g PO once

Gonorrhea- Ceftriaxone 500 mg IM once, plus other azithromycin as well as concurrent chlamydia infection is common

Syphilis (RPR/VDRL)- Benzathine Penicillin G 2.4 millions units IM, may repeat depending on stage

HSV- Acyclovir 400 mg PO 7-10days or suppression therapy 4 weeks before birth for no current outbreak

Hepatitis B (HbsAG)- antivirals, bed rest/no meds metabolized by liver, high protein low fat diet, increase fluids, vaccine and immunoglobulin

Hep C- no specific treatment

HIV- combination of ART treatments including zidovudine 

Trichomoniasis- metronidazole 500 mg PO BID 5-7 days, or 2g PO single dose 

NEED TEST OF CURE (if applicable)


Hormone eventually produced by the placenta to help sustain a pregnancy. 

What is progesterone. 


Describe signs of potential complications with use of oral contraceptives. 

ACHES: page 125, box 5.8


Steps to diagnosis cervical cancer. 

abnormal Pap smear --> colposcopy (biopsy)


Teach a patient how to use basal body temperature as a family planning method and interpret temperatures. 

Take your temperature everyday at the same time in the morning before rising.  After ovulation, the body temperature will increase by 1 degree and stay until menses begin unless pregnant.