Rodney has a fear of open spaces. His therapist is working with him and using the therapy that seems to be MOST effective for treating phobias. Which type of therapy are they using?
Lloyd's family had a difficult time understanding why he chose to wear an overcoat, a hat, and gloves during the summer. This is an example of which of the four Ds?
What is released by a nerve ending when an electric impulse reaches a neuron's ending?
This is the most widely used personality inventory and consists of 10 clinical scales.
While Samuel received 20 mg of drug X in the depression study in which he was participating, other participants received a placebo, as they were part of the _____ group.
This psychological model looks at people's underlying psychological forces and the conflicts between them.
This type of therapy encourages clients to accept responsibility for their lives, recognize personal freedom and control, and to live with greater meaning.
This is the examination of the impact of culture, race, gender, and similar factors on our behaviors, and it focuses on how such factors may influence abnormal behavior.
During times of stress, the adrenal glands secrete this major hormone.
This type of tests require that clients interpret vague stimuli such as inkblots or ambiguous pictures, or that they follow open-ended instructions such as "Draw a person, place, or tree."
Which research procedure is used to determine how much events or characteristics vary with each other?
the correlational method
This is a learning process that shapes behaviors through consequences and associations.
conditioning. 2 main types are classical and operant.
This therapy is a helps clients accept many of their problematic thoughts rather than judging those thoughts, acting on them, or trying fruitlessly to change them. Emphasizes living a values-based life.
acceptance and commitment therapy
Julie was driving her 4-year-old son, Alec, to preschool when another driver cut her off. She immediately shouted an expletive at the other driver. During the day, when Alec became angry at another child for taking his toy, he used the same expletive that his mother had used earlier. This is an example of what?
These are short branched extensions of the neuron. They receive impulses from other cells at the synapse and transmit them to the cell body.
These types of tests detect brain impairment by measuring a person's cognitive, perceptual, and motor performances.
Dr. Bragg conducted a 10-year study of 20 children with autism; during this time, she conducted interviews with the children at one-year intervals. What type of research design is this study?
This psychological perspective holds that we all have a basic need to receive positive regard from our parents of children.
For over a month, Jackson has been experiencing recurring periods of shortness of breath, sweating, trembling, faintness, and a feeling of unreality. He may be suffering from:
panic disorder
When Tina's wife was diagnosed with colon cancer, rather than deal with her feelings, she searched countless hours on the Internet and in the library for the latest treatments and advances. This is an example of what?
The discovery that syphilis led to paralysis and to delusions of grandeur supported this perspective that disorders are caused by physical factors.
In these inventories, which are used particularly by behavioral and family-social clinicians, respondents are asked how they would react in a variety of situations.
social skills
You have volunteered to participate in a study and have been told that you will not know which treatment you will be receiving. What kind of design is this?
This is the perspective that explains behavior and mental processes primarily through internal factors like genetics, brain chemistry (neurotransmitters), hormones, and nervous system activity.
This type of information in the DSM 5 is used as part of proper diagnosis. A rating of how severe a client’s symptoms are and how much dysfunction impacts
This is the developmental idea that multiple events or paths can lead to the same outcome.
Which brain circuit seems to be hyperactive in individuals who have obsessive-compulsive disorder?
cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical circuit
These inventories, which are used to reveal a person's typical thoughts and assumptions, can uncover counterproductive patterns of thinking.
The latest depression instrument was found to correlate highly with the Hamilton Depression Inventory, thus showing what kind of validity or reliability when compared.
concurrent validity
The theme that runs through Tarah's mind that also runs through MOST of the minds of other people troubled by obsessive thinking is:
dirt or contamination