Constitutional Law
Use of Force - Legal Aspects
5th & 6th Amendments
criminal investigations & Case management
What branch Enacts the laws? 

The legislative branch


The rights of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against  _________

unreasonable searches and seizures 


If someone invokes their right to an attorney how long after can you re-approach for questioning?

If someone invokes silence how long do you have to wait before re-approach?

You can not question them until a attorney is present or have to wait 14 days (2 weeks) once they are out of custody

You have to wait 2 hours 


What is M.O.M when involving working the investigation?

M - Motive 

Did the subject have reason to commit the crime?

Who might have benefited from this crime?

O- Opportunity 

Did the subject have a chance to physically commit the crime? 

M- Means 

Did the subject have the necessary physical or mental capability to commit the crime? 


What is OPSEC?

A process which denies potential adversaries information, that is generally unclassified about the planning and execution of sensitive activities and operations 


What branch does most LEO fall under when it comes to their authority?

Executive Branch


Subjective vs Objective

"Oh no X happened! It is really bad!"

What is the subjective and what is the objective?

Subjective: the opinion on what happened - “its really bad!”

Objective: What the facts are of what happened - “ X happened” 


 When are Miranda warnings required? 

(Hint; 3 C's)

C- Cops

C- Custody 



Criminal Investigations-  

The _____and __________process of identifying, collecting, preserving and evaluating evidence or information for the purpose of bringing a criminal offender to justice

The (Legal) and (Systematic) process of identifying, collecting, preserving and evaluating evidence or information for the purpose of bringing a criminal offender to justice


Risk is determined by 3 factors:

  1. Threat

  2. Vulnerability 

  3. Impact 


What branch Interprets the law? 

Who does this involve and what do they do? 

What article does this include?

The judicial branch is run by the Supreme Court of the U.S. (SCOTUS) where they have the final and interpretation of the constitution 

This article is Article 3 


What are the Graham Factors?

S - Severity of the crime

I - Immediacy of the threat (to the officer or others)

R - Resisting arrest (are they)? 

F- Fleeing/avoiding by flight (are they)? 


Exceptions involving Miranda does not include: (SPORT)

  • S- Spontaneous statements made by the subject

  • P- Public safety - exigent circumstances against any public safety

  • O- Officer safety - for exigent circumstances against a officer

  • R- Routine booking questions (what is your height and weight etc)

  • T- Terry stops - if there is reasonable suspicion to believe a crime has occurred 


What are the major goals of criminal investigation?  ( 4 items)

  • To solve crime

  • Prove or disprove allegations through investigations

  • Collect, preserve and process information

  • Using acceptable legal procedures investigators are the justice system primary instrument of action 


5 steps of OPSEC:

  1. Identification of Critical information

  2. Analysis of threat

  3. Analysis of vulnerability 

  4. Assessment of risk

  5. Application of counter measurements


Article 1 is what branch?

Article 2 is what branch?

Article 3 is what branch?

Article 1: Legislative Branch - enact laws

Article 2: Executive Branch - enforce laws

Article 3:Judicial Branch - interprets laws 


Article 1, 2 , 3 - Enacts, Enforces and Interprets the laws


Tennessee v. Garner 471 U.S. 1 (1985) is a example of when what is acceptable?

when deadly force may be used (under Grahams Objective reasonableness test) 

  •  deadly force is acceptable when their is probable cause to believe that if the person escapes they cause a risk of serious bodily injury to officers or others

EX: If a subject is running towards a school with a bomb it is reasonable to stop the threat (AKA using deadly force) 


A valid Miranda warning must have VIK - What is it and what does it include?

V: voluntary knowing that them making their statement is free choice with no intimidation or coercion

I: Intelligent - being fully aware of their rights and what waiving those rights includes

K: knowledge/knowing - considering their education, age, and knowledge of the legal system 


What are the elements of case management?

An agent must recognize fatal weaknesses and potential defenses EARLY in the investigation and bring them to the attention of the USAO as soon as possible 


methods of prevention are:

  • Procedural changes

  • Deception (disinformation, misdirection, disguise, stings, exercise) 

  • Background checks (checking police personnel, contract personnel etc) 

  • Physical security (key access, access control) 

  • Perception management (how outsiders see the agency etc) 

  • Speed of execution 

  • Stopping the mission 

  • Any other action that protects information - like having training and awareness for all members inside the agency


What are the powers of each branch and who runs them?

Legislative powers: Ran by Congress - they have the power to collect taxes, regulate foreign and domestic trade, establish post offices and roads (interstate commerce) and establish federal courts 

Executive powers: Ran by the President - power includes entering treaties with foreign nations, veto acts of Congress, grant FEDERAL pardons, and appoint members of the administration 

Judicial powers: The U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS)- powers include declaring laws unconstitutional and is the final authority on matters of constitutional interpretations 


What are the legal standards outlined in Graham v. Connor for the use of force during the seizure of an individual.

A claim of excessive force by LE during an arrest, stop, or other seizure of an individual is subject to the objective reasonableness standard through the lens of a reasonable officer and not a civilian (with LE training and experience) without the benefit of 20/20 hindsight (or what you found out after the situation occurred) 


5th Amendment is the right to______

6th Amendment is the right to ______

5th: Grand jury, Double Jeopardy, Self-incrimination and Due Process 

6th: Speedy/public trial, venue, informed of accusation, confront witnesses, compulsory process, assistance of counsel 


What are the 9 steps of an investigation? And what do they involve?

  1. Case Initiation 

  1. Assessment of allegation 

  1. Investigative Planning

  1. Conducting the interview safely 

  1. Prepare the investigative Summary 

  1. Formal referral to the U.S. Attorneys office

  1. Process subjects through the judicial system

  1. Processing the criminal/civil asset forfeiture

  1. Close the investigation


Individual personnel countermeasures:

  • Limiting web page access

  • Shredding sensitive documents

  • Keeping bulletin boards up to date 

  • Monitoring public conversations

  • Not using email to discuss sensitive information