People 1
Short Answer
People 2
Other Things From THE LIST
Other Things from THE LIST 2

He became the first European navigator to round the southern tip of Africa and to demonstrate that the most effective southward route for ships lies in the open ocean, well to the west of the African coast

Who is Bartholomew Dias? (1488)


In Document 1.1 (“Cherokee Origination Story for Corn and Game”), from where did the “strange boy” who played with Kanati and Selu’s son originate and what did he call himself?

The strange boy came from the water, and he called himself Good boy's elder brother.


 King of England between 1509-1547, known for his six wives

Who is Henry VIII? (1509-1547)


Site where mountain builders build mounds

What is Poverty Point?


First permanent settlement in the New World, chartered by the London Company (East Virginia) 

What is Jamestown?


An Italian who sailed from Spain to America even though he attempted to go to Asia

Who is Christopher Columbus? (1492)


 In Document 1.3 (“Hernán Cortés Describes Tenochtitlan”), to which two Spanish cities does Cortés com- pare Tenochtitlan in size?

Seville or Cordoba 


First English monarch to have problems with the Puritans

Who is Elizabeth I? (1558-1603)


A Native American group conquered by the Spaniards

Who are the Aztecs?


The governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony

Who is John Winthrop? (1631)


He rounded the Cape & sailed to India, returned with cargo worth 60 times worth the trip

Who is Vasco De Gama? (1497-1499)


In Document 1.4 (“Cabeza de Vaca Describes Encounters with Native Peoples”), whose children do the native peoples claim the Spaniards to be?

The children of the sun


Saved by Pocahontas, was the governor and founder of the Jamestown colonists

Who is John Smith? (1607-1609)


Government of the Plymouth colony, the earliest example of self-government in America, 41 males signed the document for it to exist, they pledge to enact laws of good and fairness

What is the Mayflower Compact?


Leader of the Powhatan Tribe

Who is Powhatan?


Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England Scotland, After the execution of King Charles I, Cromwell led the Commonwealth of England (Puritans).

Who is Oliver Cromwell?


In Document 2.2 (“John Smith Describes the ‘Starving Time’ in Jamestown, 1609-1610”), of what dish had Smith never heard before?

He had never heard of powdered wife.


Tobacco cultivator in Jamestown, married Pocahontas

Who is John Rolfe?


Banished from colony (Massachusetts) because of Antinomianism 

Who is Anne Hutchinson?


King of Scotland at the time before coming to England, possessed Tudor blood

Who is James I? (1603-1625)


a Portuguese explorer who ventured for Asia after Columbus’ expedition who died in 1521 after conflict with the settlers of the Philippines

Who is Ferdinand Magellan? (1519)


In Document 2.3 (“William Wood Describes the English Perspective of Native People in New England, 1634”), with what does Wood claim the native people bait their hooks when fishing for cod or bass?



The founder of Rhode Island, banished from Massachusetts Bay Colony

Who is Roger Williams?


He was a Catholic before he became King of England, Parliament decided to put pressure on him to not let his Catholic son be the heir of the throne

Who is James II? (1685-1688)


Representative government that composed of two delegates from each settlement from Virginia, 1st legislature in America, only men could vote

What is the House of Burgesses?