Therapeutic Communication

What are symptoms of Chronic Stress?

Immune changes leading to increased infection and illness, aches & pains, insomnia, sleepiness, withdrawal from activities, low energy, trouble concentrating, changes in appetite, increased substance use


Risk factors for suicide include:

Biological: family history, comorbid physical conditions (chronic pain, disease)

Psychological: hopelessness, poor interpersonal relationships, developmental stressors, intense emotions: rage, anger, guilt, impulsivity

Environmental: access to lethal methods, lack of access to mental healthcare, unemployment 


What are the four characteristics of therapeutic communication?

trust, authenticity, empathy and self-awareness


What are the signs of antidepressant discontinuation syndrome? 

Hint: pneumonic FINISH

F: flu-like symptoms (fatigue, headache, sweating, body aches)

I: insomnia

N: nausea

I: imbalance (dizziness, vertigo, light-headedness)

S: sensory disturbances (burning, tingling, brain zaps, shocks)

H: hyperarousal (anxiety, irritability, agitation, aggression, mania)


What are unintentional torts?

negligence and malpractice


What are the stages of Alzheimer's Disease?

1 Preclinical stage: screening and education start 10-15 years before onset of symptoms

2 Basic Forgetfulness: memory lapses that become more frequent and most noticeable by others

3 Noticeable Memory Difficulties: organization is more difficult, struggling with retrieving a name or word, challenges in social or work settings, struggles with recent memory like in books or the news

4 More than Memory Loss: confusion about what day it is or where they are, increased risk of wandering, changes in sleep patterns, increased restlessness at night and sleeping during the day

5 Decreased Independence: require regular assistance with daily living tasks and emotional changes such as delusions, hallucinations, and paranoia are common

6 Severe Symptoms: loss of communication, personality changes, increased frustration and agitation may occur

7 Lack of Physical Control: requires round-the-clock care, reduced mobility, increased risk of infection, struggling with eating and swallowing


What types of milieu modifications are required for acutely manic patients?

Room away from nurses station to provide less stimulation, individual room, no electronic access such as TV or radio in room, dim lighting


What are the 5 C's of verbal communication?

Clear, cohesive, complete, concise, and concrete


What are the symptoms of amphetamine withdrawal?

excessive sleepiness, depressed mood and mood swings, overeating, and potential for lasting psychotic symptoms


What are intentional torts?

assault, battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress, false imprisonment


What are the primary symptoms of PTSD?

Direct experience or witnessing of a traumatic event, intrusive memories (recurrent, unwanted distressing memories, flashbacks, nightmares), avoidance (avoiding people, places, thoughts about reminders of the event), negative changes in thinking and mood (hopelessness, memory problems, lack of interest, feeling numb, difficulty experiencing positive emotions), hyperarousal (easily startled, self-destructive behavior, trouble sleeping or concentrating, irritability, agitation, overwhelming guilt or shame)

What is the first action the nurse should take when a suicidal client is unable to contract for safety?

Assign a 1:1 monitor 


What are non-verbal messages that display therapeutic communication?

open, relaxed body posture, eye contact, uncross arms and legs, sit at an angle to the client (45 degrees), monitor facial expressions


What are the signs of lithium toxicity and the most common cause of lithium toxicity?

Signs: nausea, vomiting, lethargy, polydipsia, tachycardia, hand tremors, confusion, vision changes, increased urination

Cause: dehydration


What are the ethical principles of nursing?

Autonomy, beneficence, justice, and non-maleficence


What are the symptoms of Bipolar Disorder?

Depression: feeling sad, hopeless, irritable most of the time, lacking energy, difficulty concentrating, loss of interest in activities, feelings of guilt & despair, self-doubt, change in appetite, can include suicidal thoughts

Mania: feelings of elation and euphoria, overjoyed, rapid & pressured speech, grandiose delusions, psychomotor agitation, hallucinations, paranoia, illogical thinking, insomnia, increased risk-taking behaviors (increased spending, reckless driving, sexual encounters), apparent and perceptible change in personality

Hypomania: increased feelings of happiness, uncontrollably excited speaking quickly, racing thoughts, increased energy, trouble concentrating, increased confidence


What is the first priority for the nurse when a psychotic client begins yelling at another RN on the unit?

Assess for the potential for harm by using a soft, pleasant voice, providing at least an arm's length between nurse-patient, request support from team members and removing the client from a stimulating environment to a calmer space


What is the most powerful form of therapeutic communication in psychiatry?

using silence


What are the educational points for the patient when starting valproate therapy and why?

contact the physician if symptoms such as anorexia, fatigue, abdominal pain, blood in the stool, or jaundice occur

because valproate can cause pancreatitis, blood-dyscrasias, and is hepatotoxic 


Your patient is ordered to receive a bolus of 1,000mL NS over 6 hours. What is the drip rate if the standard tubing has a drop rate of 10gtt/mL. 

6 hours*60 minutes=360 minutes

1 liter*1,000mL/L=1,000mL


27.8drops/minute rounded to 28 drops/minute


What are the positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia?

Positive: hallucinations, delusions, motor agitation, alteration in speech (echolalia, clang association, neologisms), thought pattern disruptions (loose associations, tangential, derailment)

Negative: blunted affect, anhedonia, alogia, apathy, abolition, asociality


What is the Dual Process Model of Grief?

A client's grief will oscillate between loss-oriented grief and restoration-oriented grief

What are five examples of effective therapeutic communication?

active listening, adapting communication style, receiving constructive feedback, utilizing teach-back methods, using open-ended questions


Your patient has an order for heparin infusion to start at 18units/kg/hour. Current weight is 165lbs. Heparin infusion comes in a 500mL bag with 25,000units. Calculate the starting rate of the infusion.

Find weight in kg (165/2.2=75kg) multiply by ordered units (75*18=1350units/hour) calculate the rate of infusion by solving for X. 25,000units/500mL=1350units per hour/X mL per hour

X mL per hour= 675,000/25,000



What are Freud's 7 defense mechanisms?

Reaction formation





