Ancient America
English Colonies
Colonies in the 18th Century
Colonial Crisis & War
This is basically an ecological transfer of goods and ideas between the Old and New Worlds.
What is the Columbian Exchange?

This promised land grants to colonists who paid their own way to come to Virginia.

What is the headright system?


In the Lower South, this gave enslaved people more control over the pace of their work.

What is the task system?


This helped convince France to join the American side.

What is the Battle of Saratoga?


This was the key unit of Puritan society.

What is the family?


These were the two main motivations for European exploration of the New World.

What is finding an overseas trade route to India and spreading Christianity?


The majority of people coming to America in the 1600s came as this.

What is an indentured servant?


These were the two major cash crops of the Lower South in the 18th century.

What are rice and indigo?


This banned settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains.

What is the Royal Proclamation of 1763?


This was a cross class alliance that had leaders from the middling class and rank-and-file members from the lower class.

What is the Sons of Liberty?

This is the best known site to see the cliff communities of the Ancestral Pueblo.

What is Mesa Verde?


These are the three main principles of Puritanism?

What are the Bible, covenant, and predestination?

In March 1770, this became a rallying point for colonists who increasingly saw the British government as tyrannical.

What is the Boston Massacre?


This allowed the colonies to be better connected to each other and rapidly spread political news. 

What are the committees of correspondence?

This is the process of subdividing land equally among the sons of a family.

What is partible inheritance?


This was a legal document that claimed all of the land in the New World belonged to Spain.

What is the Requerimiento?


One of the consequences of this was that the colonists began emphasizing race over class much more.

What is Bacon's Rebellion?

The revivals of the Great Awakening were part of the reaction against this European movement that emphasized science and reason to explain the natural order. 

What is the Englightenment?


Near midnight on April 18, 1775, these two Bostonians raced ahead to alert the minutemen that the "British are coming."

Who are Paul Revere and William Dawes?


In 1769, Junipero Serra and Gaspar de Portola established the first mission and presidio in this seaside city.

What is San Diego?

This Aztec god's name translates to "Blue Hummingbird of the South."

What is Huitzilopochtli?


This man was pressed to death by stones during the Salem Witch Trials.

Who is Giles Corey?


This Native American tribe dominated the fur trade of the St. Lawrence valley and eastern Great Lakes.

Who are the Iroquois?


The first act of the Coercive acts, known as this, closed Boston Harbor to all shipping as of June 1, 1774 until the cost of the destroyed tea was repaid.

What is the Boston Port Act?


This man bought his freedom in 1766 and went on to publish an account of his enslavement that revealed the common experiences of millions of other Africans.

Who is Olaudah Equiano?