Criminology Basics
Beccaria & Punishment
Crime Trends & Correlates
Crime Measurement

This field explores the study of crime, punishment, and legal systems.

What is Criminology?


Beccaria’s critique in On Crime and Punishment primarily targeted:
• A. Celerity and Certainty
• B. Power and discretion
• C. Law and order
• D. King and Queen

Question: What is "Power and discretion"?


What is the “dark figure of crime”?

Answer: What is crime unknown to the police?


True or False: The majority of crimes committed in the United States are "index offenses."

Answer: What is False?


Which organization compiles the Uniform Crime Report (UCR)?

Answer: What is the Federal Bureau of Investigations?


This term describes behavior that falls outside the norms of society but isn’t necessarily criminal.

What is Deviance?


Beccaria believed that punishment should be aligned with the severity of the crime and thus:

What is Proportional?


True or False: The _______ indicates that a significant proportion of crimes are not reported to the police.

Answer: What is the NCVS/victim surveys?


According to criminological research, this social institution is the most crucial for socializing children.

Answer: What is the family?


The National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) addresses the issue of the _____ rule used in UCR which allows only the most serious offense to be documented.

Answer: What is the hierarchy rule?


Which perspective views laws as tools to control and manage certain groups in society?

What is the Conflict View of Crime?


According to Beccaria, the amount of punishment necessary should be:

What is the "bare minimum"?


Which term refers to the consistency and stability of measurement in research?

Answer: What is reliability?


This demographic factor is the most consistent predictor of criminal behavior across various studies.

What is Gender?


Which source of data provides detailed information on criminal incidents, including location and presence of a weapon?

Answer: What is NIBRS?


Laws aimed at preventing harm are known as this type of crime.

What is Mala Prohibita?


According to Beccaria, punishment should be ______ to effectively deter crime and be closely connected to the act.

Answer: What is swift?


The use of pretests and posttests is associated with which research methodology?

Answer: What is experimentation?


This factor is commonly linked to an increase in crime rates and includes economic hardships.

What is Unemployment?


The NCVS indicates that only ____ of crimes are reported to the police.

Answer: What is 1/3?

These are the four essential characteristics that define a law, including its origin, specificity, application, and consequences.

What are: Assumed by political authority, must be specific, uniformly applied, and contains penal sanctions?


According to Beccaria, punishment is necessary to____?

What is: preventing people from acting on their own self interest? ; Serve as a political obstacle. 


In research, developing a system of mutual trust and obligation between the researcher and participant is referred to as:

Answer: What is reciprocity?


Compared to other westernized countries, the United States has a strikingly high rate of which types of crimes?

Answer: What are violent crimes?


If participants in an experiment have an equal probability of being assigned to the experimental group or the control group, this is accomplished through:

Answer: What is Randomization?