the pillar that would encompass clinical psychology
physical and mental health
most important phrase in research methods.
correlation does not equal causation!
alternate explanation for the results
confounding variable
the three stages of memory shown in the Atkinson-Shiffrin model
sensory, short-term, and long-term
someone talks about flowers, and you picture roses in your mind. the roses would be a(n)?
analogical representation
the pillar where you would study the influence of religious beliefs on people's tolerance of different groups
social and personality
decreasing accessibility of memory over time
describe the steps of the scientific method in order
theory, hypothesis, research, data that supports or refutes the theory and back to theory
After a significant head injury, Sam can recall his past – his childhood and early adulthood – but cannot remember any new information. What best describes his condition?
anterograde amnesia
focusing your attention very closely on a task.
controlled processing
one of the first two branches of psychology - it focuses on understanding the mind through introspection
Sigmund Freud would be most associated with this pillar of psychology
social and personality
days spent studying and number of questions missed on the exam would have what type of correlation.
fast-decaying store of auditory information
echoic memory
the listening task that demonstrates selective attention is called a _______ task
the pillar where you might find reproductive behavior.
biological pillar.
the name of the institution that sets and maintains ethical use of animals in research.
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
Having this means that the results are due to the independent variable.
internal validity
when new information interferes with the retrieval of older information.
retroactive interference
working backwards and creating subgoals are part of this cognitive bias
This school of psychology would focus on observing and controlling behavior through what is observable. Puts an emphasis on learning and conditioning.
something used in experimental studies to quantify the construct being studied
operational definition
Seeing relationships between two things when in reality no such relationship
illusory correlations
the concept that the more a retrieval cue matches the memory trace of the experience, the more it will be effective in bringing back that memory
encoding specificity principle
a category or class of related items