This party was formed just months before the 1892 election and yet won multiple states and 'down ballot' votes
What is the Populist Party
This party was seen as the one that carried out Reconstruction and restored the Union
What is the Republican Party
This group was disproportionately affected and displaced by westward expansion
Who are the Native Americans
Took over for Abraham Lincoln, began Reconstruction in America
Who is Andrew Johnson
This crop plummeted in price after the Civil War, leading to turmoil for Farmers in America
This group of workers heavily drove the Populist Party and was their main supporters
This party struggled to regain power in the Government following the Civil War
Who are the Democrats
This act offered cheap land in order to push Americans to the West
What is the Homestead Act
General of the Union Army, became President and was known for his plethora of scandals while in office
Who is Ulysses S. Grant
This economic Depression bankrupted hundreds of railroads, failed hundreds of banks, and stoked the distrust that Americans felt towards the economy
These two groups aimed to push government intervention in the economy and regulation of railroads in order to benefit farmers
What are the The Farmers Alliance and the The Grange
This term was used by southern Democrats to describe norther Republicans who came to the south to spread influence
What is a Carpetbagger
This massacre in 1890 was a staple of the struggle between Natives and White Americans due to the amount of Native Americans were killed by US Army Soldiers
Wounded Knee Massacre
Populist Party Candidate in 1892 Election
Who is James Weaver
What is insurance
This term was used to describe the Populist Party for its push for political office and mixed-race voter base
What is Radical
This group was comprised of former Confederates and Democrats and targeted Republicans, freedman, and others to gain power
What is the Ku Klux Klan
This new invention revolutionized interstate Commerce between Eastern and Western America.
What is The Transcontinental Railroad
Won the Election of 1892, scapegoated for the Depression of 1893
Who is Grover Cleveland
This Economic Depression caused droves of Americas to attempt to remove their money from the banks
The Depression of 1873
This term is used for railroads that would overprice Farmers on their imports and exports
This term was used by southern Republicans to describe southerners who switched from Democrats to Republicans
What is a Scalawag
This act heavily pushed Native Americans to adopt new American values and societal 'norms'
What is the Dawes Act
Governor of Texas, Former Confederate who help draft the Texas Constitution of 1866
Oran Roberts
This term refers to the way in which money was backed/substantiated in the economy