
f(x) = 2x - 2

g(x) = 7 - x2

Find f(-3) + g(2)

f(-3) = 2(-3) - 2 = -6 - 2 = -8

g(2) = 7 - (2)2 = 7 - 4 = 3

-8 + 3 = -5


solve the absolute value equation:

| x + 4 | = 18

x + 4 = 18            -(x + 4) = 18

x + 4 = 18            x + 4 = -18

x = 14                  x = -22


Find the inverse of the following equation:

f(x) = x / x + 5

f(x) = x / x + 5

y = x / x + 5

switch x and y

x = y / y + 5

x * (y + 5) = y

xy + 5x = y

5x = y - xy

5x = y(1 - x)

5x / 1 - x = y

f-1(x) = 5x / 1 - x


Find the rate of change:

f(x) = 4x2 - 7 on [1, b]

f(b) - f(1) / b - 1

f(b) = 4b2 - 7

f(1) = 4(1)2 - 7 = -3

4b2 - 7 - (-3) / b - 1

4b2 - 4 / b - 1

4(b2 - 1) / b - 1

4(b + 1)(b - 1) / b - 1

= 4(b + 1)

Which method determines if a graph is a function

Vertical Line Test


Find the Domain and Range of the graph below

Domain: (-3, 1]

Range: [-4, 0]


f(x) = x2 + 6x

g(x) = 2 - x

Find f(g(2))

g(2) = 2 - 22 = 2 - 4 = -2

f(-2) = (-2)2 + 6(-2) 

        = 4 - 12 = -8


Describe the transformation of this function:

f(x) = 4 * |x - 2| - 6

shift right 2 units

shift down 6 units

vertically stretched by a factor of 4


Find the average rate of change of the function f(x)=6−3x2   on   [−2,3]

f(b)−f(a) / b−a 

f(3) - f(-2) / 3 - -2

f(3) = 6 - 3(3)2 = 6 - 27 = -21

f(-2) = 6 - 3(-2)2 = 6 - 12 = -6

-21 - -6 / 3 - -2

-15 / 5 = -3



A rain drop hitting a lake makes a circular ripple. If the radius, in inches, grows as a function of time in minutes according to r(t)=10√t+5, find the area of the ripple as a function of time

Area of a circle: A = pi * r2

radius: r(t)=10√(t+5)

A = pi * (10√t+5)2

A = pi * 100(t + 5)


What is the domain of the following:

f(x) = x2 + 2x + 1

All Real Numbers

If h(x) = f(g(x)) and h(x) = (x - 5)3

find f(x) and g(x)

g(x) = x - 5

f(x) = x3

f(g(x)) = f(x - 5) = (x - 5)3​​​​

given a function f(x) = x. Transform it to g(x) given the following:

horizontally compressed by 1/2

3 units to the left

shift up 1 unit

g(x) = 2(x + 3) + 1


Find the absolute max and/or min

absolute max: 1 at x = -1, 1

absolute min: DNE


At the start of a trip, the odometer on a car read 21465. At the end of the trip, 13.5 hours later, the odometer read 22205. Assuming the scale on the odometer is in miles, what is the average speed the car traveled during the trip? Round to the nearest tenth of a mile.

x2−x1 / y2−y1

= 22205−21465 / 13.5−0

≈54.8 miles per hour


The quality of gasoline that a station sells in a day is a function of the price. Let Q = f(P) represent the number of gallons of gasoline the station sells in a day if it charges P dollars per gallon. 

Interpret f(3.09) = 7840

When the station sells gasoline for $3.09, they will sell 7840 gallons in a day


f(x) = x2 + 6x

g(x) = 2 - x

Find f(g(x))

f(g(x)) = f(2 - x2) = (2 - x2)2 + 6(2 - x2)

= 4 - 4x2 + x4 + 12 - 6x2

= x4 - 10x2 + 16



find f-1(x)

f(x)=2−x     Substitute y for f(x).  

y=2−x     Interchange the variables x and y.  

x=2−y     Solve for y.  

y=2−x     Substitute f-1(x) in for y.  



Find the interval of concave up, concave down, and the inflection point

(−∞,0), the function is concave down, while on the interval (0,∞), the function is concave up 

inflection point: (0,1)


The price P charged by a taxi company for a trip x miles long is given by the formula

P = f(x) = 3.50 + 2.75x

The company will NOT make any trip longer than 50 miles.

Find the domain and range of this function

Domain: [0, 50] because the company will not go over 50 miles

Range: [3.50, 141]

P = 3.50 + 2.75(50) = 141


Find the domain of this function:

8 / sqrt(x + 4)

x + 4 >= 0      (>= means greater than or equal to)

x >= -4

Solve the inequality 

- | 1/3x - 3 | >= 17   

(>= means greater than or equal to)

No Solution

Remember: The absolute value of a number n is written as | n | and | n | >= 0

- | 1/3x - 3 | >= 17

| 1/3x - 3 | <= -17


Describe the transformation given the following function:

f(x) = -(x + 2)2 - 1

reflected across the x-axis

left 2 units

down 1 unit


Let f(x)=1 / x. Find the number c such that the average rate of change of the function f on the interval (1,c) is −1/9

(1/c−1/1) / (c−1)= −1/9   Multiply both sides by (c−1) and 9. 

9 * (1/c - 1) = 1 - c

9/c - 9 = 1 - c   Multiply both sides by c. 

9 - 9c = c - c2

c2 - 10c + 9 = 0     Factor

(c - 9)(c - 1) = 0

c = 1, c = 9

Since 1 is included in the interval, c = 9