What is the main focus of structuralism?
Understanding the many parts of the conscious experience
What are the two main divisions of the nervous system?
Central and peripheral
What is a case study?
When researchers focus on one person or a small group of people for a long period of time
What was psychology originally called/known as?
What is the control group?
A group that does not receive treatment/"manipulation" in the experiment
Humans and other organisms adapt to their environment
What is an action potential?
Electrical signal that moves through the neuron cell body and through the axon terminals
What are longitudinal studies?
Data is gathered by one group over extended periods of time
What is developmental psychology?
When someone is interested in growth and change throughout a lifespan
Electrically and chemically
What is the main focus of psychoanalytic theory?
We act based on unconscious ideas in our minds from young ages
What is the difference between a genotype and a phenotype?
Phenotype:Physical characteristics
What are cross-sectional studies?
Multiple groups are studied at the same time (age groups for example)
What manner does research occur in order to prevent bias?
What is statistical analysis?
Determines whether there are meaningful differences between groups
What is the main focus of behaviorism?
The connection between learned behavior and what is in our brains naturally from birth.
What is genetic environmental correlation?
How our environment impacts how our genes are expressed
What is inter-rater reliability?
A measure that ensures that the research is consistent by different observers
What is clinical psychology?
Focuses on diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders
What did William James say was the purpose of psychology?
What is the Skinner Box?
A box used to enforce punishment or reward based on what button was pressed by the rat
What part of the brain is responsible for memory and learning?
What is informed consent?
Explaining to the research participants what is to be expected in the experiment, risks and implications of the research
What is social psychology?
How people impact each other through social interactions
What is distributed practice?
Studying in short durations over time