Types of Memories
Strengthening Memory
Biological Components
Forgetting & Amnesia

Declarative memory is also known as

Explicit Memory


A device for improving memory is a(n)



What are the complex networks of neurons called?

Neural Networks


The theory that our memories leave physical traces that can decay if not used

Decay Theory (Trace Theory)

Many psychologists think of human memory as a type of information processing system that has _____ basic processes that are called ______.

3; encoding, storage, and retrieval


Keiko knows that Salt Lake City is the capital of Utah and that George Washington was the first president of the United States. These are examples of

declarative memories


In her yoga teacher training, Reissa uses “Roy G. Biv” to memorize the colors associated with the seven chakras. Which memory technique is Reissa utilizing?



Our memories can evoke emotional experiences due, in part, to the activity of the:



Sometimes information is forgotten because other information gets in the way and blocks its retrieval.  For example, someone taking a history class right after a psychology class may have difficulty recalling topics discussed in psychology later in the day.  Psychologists call this incidence:

interference theory


According to _______________________, memory is a process by which the brain stitches together bits and pieces of stored information in reconstructing personal experiences.

constructionist theory


Dr. Ohno conducts research on retrospective memory. Which type of memory will Ohno’s research participants be recalling?

Past experiences or events and previously acquired information


Maintenance rehearsal is

consciously repeating information over and over again. 


What part of the neuron does LTP strengthen?

Synapses (Synaptic Connections)


In retrograde amnesia

old long-term memories are lost


Jeffrey crams for all of his exams. In scientific terms, Jeffrey’s approach to memorization is called

massed practice


In sensory memory, auditory stimuli are to _____ memory as visual stimuli are to ______ memory.

echoic; iconic


Experts suggest that college students distribute their study sessions throughout the semester rather than preparing for exams by cramming. This means that college students should use which approach to memorization?

spaced practice


What part of the brain stores declarative memories?



In anterograde amnesia, there is

an inability to form new memories.


Even though she was only a toddler at the time, 45-year-old Jean has a vivid picture in her mind of her mother weeping when the television announced that President Kennedy had been assassinated. Jean’s experience is an example of which of the following?

flashbulb memory


Sadie went to a therapist because she was having repetitive nightmares about being strangled.  During her sessions her therapist asked her leading questions and overtime Sadie came to believe that her father choked and tied her up in a closet as punishment when she was a child.  There is no evidence to prove Sadie’s formerly repressed memories.  This may be an example of:

false memories


The mnemonic that includes visualizing a familiar landscape or location and "placing" information throughout

Method of Loci

What is the term for the process by which the structure and functions of neurons are changed?

Long-Term Potentiation (LTP)


During the war in Iraq, Max saw his best friend killed during an enemy attack. Max felt that he was partially responsible for his friend’s death, and he has a great deal of guilt. Subsequently, Max has perfect recall of his war experience, except for his friend’s death. Max’s psychologically caused amnesia is referred to as

dissociative amnesia.


Many of the people who were asked how fast two cars in a filmed traffic accident were going when they “smashed” into each other later recalled seeing broken glass at the scene of the accident.  Many of the people who were asked how fast two cars in a filmed traffic accident were going when they “bumped” each other were less likely to recall seeing broken glass at the scene of the accident.  This experiment best illustrated:

The misinformation effect