The first step of the gram stain uses this dye to color all cells purple.
What is crystal violet?
What is agar?
Only some gram positive bacilli can make these, allowing them to survive heating, drying, starvation, and other terrible conditions until the environment can support them again.
What are endospores?
In the name Staphylococcus aureus, "aureus" is this.
What is a species?
His disgusting experiments with rotting meat and cheesecloth disproved spontaneous generation for macroscopic life.
Who is Francesco Redi?
The second step of the gram staining process uses iodine as this, which means a substance used to bind or fix a dye into cells.
What is a mordant?
A girl who loves pumpkin spice latte or a guy who wears a backwards baseball cap, its also a type of media that contains agar, proteins, vitamins and minerals, and that's about it.
What is basic?
This substance, found in tears and mucus, cuts peptidoglycan in bacetrial cell walls between the N-acetylglucosamine and N- acetylmuramic acid strands.
What is lysozyme?
In the name Escherichia coli , "Escherichia" is this.
What is a genus?
His discovery of penicillin was one of science's greatest accidents.
Who is Alexander Fleming?
If only gram negative cells were on a slide, and you stopped gram staining after properly decolorizing, this would be the color you would see.
This type of media lets us tell different bacteria apart by metabolic properties, like which sugars the cells ferment, often using pH indicators.
What is differential media?
This extracellular circle of genetic material contains bonus traits that improve bacterial function; one of them allows bacteria to form an F pilus.
What is a plasmid?
He created "The Bible of Microbiology", which has been updated online regularly since 2015.
Who is David Bergey?
He traced a cholera epidemic to the Broad Street water pump, inventing the modern science of epidemiology.
Who is John Snow?
If a mixture of gram positive cells and gram negative cells were on a slide, and you stopped gram staining after properly decolorizing, this is the color you would see.
Purple (or purple and colorless)
This type of media contains antibiotics, dyes, or salts that prevent the growth of unwanted organisms while permitting the growth of target organisms: for example, only gram negative bacteria will grow on MacConkey agar.
What is selective media?
Prokaryotes contain this type of ribosome for protein synthesis, made up of a 50S and a 30S subunit.
What is a 70S ribosome?
This technique, developed in the 1990s, became the gold standard for classifying bacteria, causing some bacteria to be reclassified from the old system that used appearance, biochemical reactions, antigens, and phage-typing to group organisms.
What is DNA/RNA sequencing?
This doctor and scientist infected his own son with cowpox to protect him from smallpox; fortunately it worked!
Who is Edward Jenner?
This aspect of gram positive cell walls accounts for their purple color after gram staining.
What is a thick peptidoglycan layer?
This media type contains extra nutrients, for example lysed blood cells, to support fussy "fastidious" bacteria.
What is enriched media?
Penicillin works by preventing the cross-linking of these bonds, but the cell must be actively growing and making new peptidogylcan to be affected.
What are amino acid side chains/peptide bonds?
Alongside the domains of Eukarya and Archeae, this third domain is the one that contains bacteria.
What is Eubacteria?
Griffith's experiments proved this exists, while Avery, McCleod, and McCarty proved it was actually DNA.
What is the "transforming principle"?