What is health?
Body Systems
Research Methods
Stress Coping
A positive state of physical, mental and social well-‐being—not just the absence of injury or disease that Varies over time along a continuum.
What is health?
This body system functions to communicate between the body and the brain. It includes the brain, spinal cord, and nerve fibers. Parkinson’s Disease is a disorder of this system.
What is the nervous system?
A controlled study in which the researcher(s) manipulate a variable to study its effects on another variable. When random assignment in used, causal conclusions can be drawn.
What is an experimental study design?
The circumstance in which person-environment transactions lead to a perceived discrepancy between the physical or psychological demands of a situation and the resources of the individual's biological, psychological, or social systems.
What is stress?
This is the process by which people try to manage the perceived discrepancy between the demands and resources they appraise in a situation.
What is coping?
In the 17th – 19th centuries, dietary diseases and infectious diseases; today, heart disease, cancer stroke, chronic lower respiratory diseases, and accidents.
What are the threats to our health over the past three centuries?
This system works with the autonomic nervous system to produce slow acting responses (such as the growth of our bodies), balances chemicals, and reacts to environmental situations (such as emergencies). It is made up of the body’s glands and hormones.
What is the endocrine system?
This refers to the number of new cases of a disease during a certain time (usually a year).
What is the incidence of disease?
This process involves evaluating a threat based on the present stressor and the resources available to handle that stressor.
What is the cognitive appraisal process?
This kind of coping refers to thoughts or actions whose goal is to relieve the emotional impact of stress. These strategies of coping do not actually alter the threatening or damaging conditions but make the person feel better.
What is emotion-focused coping?
This perspective of health has been dominant since the early 19th century; it proposes that physiological problems cause afflictions in the body and sees health and illness as separate from the psychological and social experience of the mind.
What is the biomedical approach to health?
Peptic ulcers and Cirrhosis are disorders of this body system.
What is the digestive system?
This type of research studies factors contributing to disease in a population.
What is epidemiology?
Life transitions, timing of situations, and ambiguous situations are examples of this kind of factor that influences stress.
What are situational factors?
This type of coping refers to efforts to improve the troubled person-environment relationship by changing things, for example, by seeking information about what to do, by holding back from impulsive and premature actions, and by confronting the person or persons responsible for one’s difficulty.
What is problem-focused coping?
This perspective of health views health and illness as consequences as the interplay of biological, psychological, and social factors.
What is the biopsychosocial model?
The mouth, nose, trachea, diaphragm, abdominal muscles, and lungs are the parts of the body involved in this system.
What is the respiratory system?
Health psychologists use these two types of indicators when studying health psychology topics.
What are objective indicators and subjective indicators?
This is the body’s response to a stressful situation that creates physiological changes in the sympathetic nervous and endocrine systems.
What is the fight or flight response?
These behavioral/cognitive techniques include environment/lifestyle (e.g. time management); personality/perception (e.g. humor); biological responses (e.g. meditation, progressive muscle relaxation).
What are the three domains of stress management techniques?
This definition of health ranges from healthy to not healthy. Most people fall between these two.
What is the illness/wellness continuum?
TWO PART QUESTION (must answer both correctly for points) This system delivers nutrients to cells for metabolism (i.e., blood) and removes waste products. This system fights to defend the body against foreign invaders such as viruses and bacteria.
What are the cardiovascular and immune systems?
TWO PART QUESTION (Must answer both correctly for points) This method of research is when researchers measure variables to study the association between them but causal inferences cannot be made. PART 2: With this particular kind of research, when high scores on one variable are associated with low scores on another variable.
What is correlational research; negative correlation.
Cognitions, emotions, and social behaviors are all part of this kind of stress.
What is psychological stress?
This way of addressing stress is not always successful; it may fix problem or it may just change perceptions of problem This alternative way of addressing stress is not a single event, but involves an ongoing series of appraisals and reappraisals of the self and environment
What is is to manage vs. what is to process?