Fundamentals of CSD
Communication Development
A&P of CSD
Assessment & Intervention
Name 2 of the 4 processes of communication
Formation Transmission Reception Comprehension
An infant pointing is likely an indicator of what?
What is the difference between the directional terms afferent and efferent?
afferent: toward the nervous system. efferent: away from the nervous system.
A norm-referenced test compares a person's test performance to what?
The performance of his/her same age peers.
TRUE or FALSE: There are approximately 26 phonemes in Standard American English?
FALSE. There are approximately 40 phonemes in Standard American English.
Describe semantics. What domain of language does it belong to?
Rule of language governing the meaning of individual words and word combinations. It is synonymous with content.
What is an example of a phonological process
Ex: A child may say "wa-wa" for water. Phonological process: processes of a sound change that children apply to words and syllables to simplify the phonological production.
Name the 3 phases of swallowing.
Oral, pharyngeal, esophageal.
What is the difference between a screening and a referral?
Screening: test or task to conduct a quick check of performance. Referral: when a professional's help is formally requested.
What does MLU stand for and how is it measured?
Mean length of utterance total # of morphemes/total # of utterances.
What are 4 careers available in the field of communication sciences and disorders?
1. Speech-Language Pathology 2. Audiology 3. Speech, Language, and Hearing scientists 4. Allied professions: Special educators, occupational therapists, ENTs.
What type of competence if defined by the ability to recognize and produce the conventional words that speakers of language use.
Lexical Competence
How fast, on average, do the vocal folds vibrate for a male and a female?
female: 240 Hz (cycles per second) male: 130 Hz
What are the 3 qualities of intervention?
1. Effectiveness (Does therapy work/have value?) 2. Efficient (Does therapy make a change in the least amount of time?) 3. Feasible (Can therapy be implemented?)
TRUE or FALSE: Broca's Area is responsible for interpreting auditory information.
FALSE: It is responsible for coordination of speech output.
What are the four remarkable features of language?
1. Universality 2. Species specific 3. Productivity 4. Rate of Acquisition
Considering lexical competence, what words do infants recognize at around 4 months of age and around 6 months of age?
around 4 months: infants learn their own name around 6 months: infants learn the names of important figures in their lives (e.g., Mommy, Daddy, ).
List the four lobes of the cerebrum and their main function/what they process:
Temporal: auditory cortex (Hoschl's gyrus), and language comprehension. Frontal: Complex motor skills and executive functions Parietal: sensory and perceptual info., comprehending oral and written language, math equations. Occipital: visual info
Describe Family-Centered Approach to intervention.
Family-Centered approach is built upon the concept of family systems theory, which emphasizes that "the family as a whole is greater than the sum of its parts".
Which lobe of your brain is responsible for receiving and processing visual information?
Occipital lobe
Define Conductive Hearing Loss
Breakdown in the hearing system in the outer or middle ear. Could be caused by a malformation of the outer ear, a torn eardrum, or a buildup of fluid in the middle ear.
Define sociolinguistic competence & and what is one important aspect?
It is the ability to interpret the social meaning that language conveys and to choose language that is social appropriate for communicative situations. Aspect: Speech register
Name the parts of a neuron
Dendrite: bring nerve impulses into cell body. Axons: nerve impulses travel down a neuron's axon. Synapse: Space where two neurons meet. Myelin: this sheath contributes to the rapid relay of nerve impulses.
What are the components (3) of an intervention plan?
1. Identifying treatment goals 2. Describing the possible length and frequency of treatment 3. Describing treatment contexts and activities
What is the difference between a Criterion-Referenced Test and a Norm-Referenced test?
Criterion: used to determine level of achievement in a particular area Norm-Referenced: used to determine performance with that of same-age peer