HMSV Professionals
Privilege & Prejudice
African American and White American
What term is described as "hard work pays off," classism, believing that everyone is afforded the same opportunities. Remember the trash can demonstration in class
What is Myth of Meritocracy
Working with culturally different clients, what should a HMSV professional do?
What is discussing client values, understand their own cultural awareness and biases, seek to understand the clients worldview, etc.
True or False: You can only be privileged or oppressed?
False! (Remember Intersectionality)
Who developed the White Racial Identity Model?
What is Helms (1995)
Who were the first settlers in which the western culture is based?
What is English
Define Cultural Encapsulation
What is the term for viewing the world in a singular lens
Describe advocacy
What is working on other's behalf, active support
What does it mean to be privileged?
Invisible knapsack reading, not thinking about your privilege, unearned benefits, etc.
1a Preencounter & 1b encounter, 2 immersion and emersion, 3 internalization and 4 internalization commitment
What are the 4 stages of Cross's Black Racial Identity Model?
What are some African American values?
What is family, hard work, religion/spirituality, matriarch, community, etc.
What acts as a guidance system that can be altered through ecstatic events, trauma, self-determination, repeated life events or interventions?
What is self-concept?
Traits of a someone who will succeed with social justice and advocacy efforts?
What is good communication skills, willingness/determination, passionate, conflict/crisis management skills, etc.
What is the putting down of a minority group, who has little power, by the majority group, who has more power?
What is racism
Which model was developed to be generalization to all identities?
What is Racial and Cultural Identity Model (R/CID)
True or False: Whites don't have culture.
What is False
Describe code-switching
What is fluctuating altered behavior from the community to the dominant. Ex. Obama's handshake with Kevin Durant v the white staff member
What are some skills a good advocate possesses?
Communication skills, passion, knowledge on laws and policies, conflict & crisis management skills
What did the American Dream emphasize?
What is hard work, individualism and success
What is it called when one makes strong relationships with individuals who are culturally different?
What is bridging
What is important to do when working with AA clients?
What is build rapport and trustworthiness, understand the culture of the client, dont practice colorblindness, utilize community resources
When an individual assumes part of the new culture but still holds onto their native culture.
What is Acculturation
True or False: The role of a helper with a client is to acknowledge and recognize cultural differences within group and individual differences?
What is true
What article did we read that addressed white privilege?
What is McIntosh's Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack
Why are racial and cultural identity models important?
What is "might be helpful in assessing where clients are as they enter and proceed through counseling or other helping relationships." p. 69 Helps the helper have a better understanding about their cultural development. Aids in understanding where the client may be perceiving themselves compared to culturally different individuals
How can white american's identify culturally?
What is geographic location, SES, country of family origin,