Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
The entire group of interest is a ______.
What is a population?
The temperature of San Antonio
What is quantitative data?
Sample mean is denoted as ___, sample standard deviation is denoted as___, and variance is denoted as ___.
What is x bar, s, and s squared?
Marginal Probability is the ______.
What is the probability of a single event occurring?
What are the properties of a binomial distribution?
What is fixed number of trials, every trial has only 2 outcomes (successes/failures), every trial is independent, and the probability of a success is the same for each trial?
A research suggests that college students gets less than ideal average of vitamin C in their diet. A group of 152 college students are examined and reported the number of mg in their diet for 7 days. What is the population of interest? Sample?
What is population=all college students; sample=152?
To find relative frequency, one must divide _____ by _____.
What is divide frequency by total number of observations?
A z-score that is negative indicates that ____.
What is the observation is less than the mean?
What are the properties for calculating a probability?
What is 1) 0 less than or equal to P(A) less than or equal to 1 and the sum of all probabilities in the sample space is 1?
What type of variable is represented by a binomial distribution?
What is discrete variable?
A research suggests that college students gets less than ideal average of vitamin C in their diet. A group of 152 college students are examined and reported the number of mg in their diet for 7 days. What is the variable of interest?
What is mg of vitamin C in diet?
The number of classes is a _____ quantitative variable while GPA is a ______ quantitative variable.
What is discrete and continuous?
What is the mean and standard deviation for the numbers below? 12,9,15,6,10,11,8
What is mean=10.14, standard deviation=2.91?
If event D is mutually exclusive from event F, what is P(D n F)?
What is 0?
A paper reported that what 80% of college students like to do most on long weekends is sleep or go out with friends. Suppose that the actual percentage is exactly 80%, and consider randomly selecting 6 college students. Then x=the number among the selected six college students who prefer to sleep or go out with friends is a binomial random variable. Calculate p(4) and interpret this probability. Calculate p(6).
What is P(4)=0.25 and P(6)=0.26?
When you add up all the relative frequencies, you should get ___.
What is 1?
If your mean is 120 and your standard deviation is 12, what is the value of your 97.5 percentile?
What is 144?
Complete 5.24 a-c.
What is a)0.70, b)0.189, c)0.5?
Complete 6.110 a & b.
What is a)P(x<25)=0.261 & b)P(x>32)=.198?
Summarizing the data:_____ while making inferences about the population: _____.
What is descriptive data; inferential data?
What graphs are used for qualitative data?
What is comparative bar charts and pie charts?
You survey 15 different fast food restaurants and record the number of calories in their hamburgers. The computed sample mean in 720 calories with a standard deviation of 36 calories. Number of calories is normally distributed. Approximately what percentage of fast food hamburgers have less than 612 or more than 828?
What is 0.3%?
Complete 5.24 d-f.
What is d)0.811, e).799, f)0.101?
Complete 6.110 c and d.
What is c).405 and d).633?