Disease Process
From a worldwide perspective in reducing infant mortality, the United States is
What is bad...Although the death rate has decreased, the United States still ranks last in infant mortality among nations with a population of at least 25 million. The United States has the highest infant death rate of developed nations worst in populations above 25 million.
An 8-year-old girl asks the nurse how the blood pressure apparatus works. The most appropriate nursing action is which of the following?
What is explain how it works in simple terms
is a bright red, rubbery nodule with a rough surface and a well-defined margin that may be present at birth?
What is strawberry hemangioma
What type of family would the nurse call on in which the paternal grandmother, the parents, and two minor children live?
What is extended
Name the components of the FLACC scale
What is face, legs, activity, cry, consolability
leading cause of death in infants younger than 1 year?
What is congenital anomaly
What age should a child be able to draw a circle
What is 3 years
While a mother is feeding her high-risk neonate, the nurse observes occasional apnea, pallor, and bradycardia. This has not occurred with previous feedings. This should tell your patient may have
What is an underlying conditional like heart defect
Which of the family theories explains how families react to stressful events and suggests factors that promote adaptation to these events?
What is family stress theory
What is the single most important factor to consider when communicating with children?
What is child's developmental level
The major cause of death for children older than 1 year is which of the following
What is accidents
During a routine health assessment the nurse notes that the 8-month-old infant has a significant head lag. Which of the following is the most appropriate action?
What is schedule for further assessment
A preterm neonate has begun breast-feeding, but the infant tires easily and has weak sucking and swallowing reflexes. The most appropriate nursing intervention is to:
What is gavage feed remainder
The nurse is interviewing the parents of a 4-month-old boy brought to the hospital emergency department. The infant is dead, and no attempt at resuscitation is made. The parents state that the baby was found in his crib lying face down in bloody fluid from his nose and mouth. They say he was “just fine” when they put him in his crib asleep. The nurse might initially suspect his death was caused by which of the following?
What is SIDS
A school nurse decides to initiate a safety program for increasing the use of bicycle helmets. The program is an example of:
What is primary prevention
Which of the following is considered one of the best strategies for preventing smoking in teenagers?
What is peer lead programs about problems that will occur soon
An infant should be laid in what position for sleep
What is supine
Which of the following is the most common form of child maltreatment?
What is neglect
Which of the following is the most consistent and commonly used data for assessment of pain in infants?
What is behavioral
Name the scale used to assess burns in a child
What is Lund Bower
What question would you ask a family is if their child is unable to climb stairs... and what age would this become a concern?
What is do you have stairs in your home... 2 years
Describe colic
What is crying for 3 hours or more, 3 or more days a week, usually around 3 pm for no know reason
A child is admitted with a suspected diagnosis of Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP). An important consideration in the care of this child is:
What is monitor child whenever with parent
Nursing care of the newborn with oral candidiasis (thrush) includes
What is give nystatin per dr. orders