Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Which of the following individuals probably would not be considered a criminalist? A) Forensics examiner B) Polygraph operator C) Fingerprint examiner D) Correctional officer
D) Correctional officer
In general, recidivism rates in the United States are fairly low.
A term used to describe a male offender with XYY chromosome is ____________
Prefrontal cortex dysfunction may predispose someone to criminality.
One who studies crime, criminals, and criminal behavior is referred to as a
The first state to pass a "three strikes" law was:
Which of the following is not a key assumption of biological theories? A) The brain is the locus of personality. B) A tendency toward crime may be inherited. C) Human behavior is controlled by free will. D) Some humans are further along the evolutionary ladder than others.
C) Human behavior is controlled by free will.
An offender convicted of ________ is most likely to have a low level of serotonin in the brain A) Bank robbery B) Insider trading C) Planned burglary D) A crime of passion
D) A crime of passion
________ is human activity that violates social norms.
Deviant behavior
Which of the following is not one of the basic assumptions or principles of the Classical School? A) Human beings are fundamentally rational. B) Root principles of right and wrong are inherent in the nature of things. C) Most human behavior results from forces that are beyond the control of the individual. D) Punishment is sometimes required to deter law violators.
C) Most human behavior results from forces that are beyond the control of the individual.
_________ movement proposed selective human breeding to improve the species _________ criminology said the root causes of criminality were passed down in the form of "bad genes"
Emphasizes the interaction between biology and the physical and social environments as key to understanding human behavior, including criminality.
Biosocial criminology
A(n) ________ is made up of clearly stated propositions suggesting relationships between events and occurrences being studied.
Which of the following would a rational choice theorist be most likely to consider a likely factor in crime causation? A) Poverty B) A poor home environment C) Inadequate socialization D) Individual choice
Individual choice
Atavism implies the notion that criminals A) Are born as criminals. B) Learn to be criminals from their parents. C) Learn to be criminals from influential peers. D) Become criminals out of personal choice.
A) Are born as criminals.
________ are the chemicals that facilitate the flow of electrical impulses from one neuron to the next across nerve synapses; and the presence or absence of both serotonin and noradrenaline have been linked to aggressive behavior in human beings.
Refers to the large number of unreported crimes that never make it into official crime statistics
Dark figure of crime
A contemporary model of imprisonment based on the principle of just deserts. Implied in the model is that criminals deserve punishment because of the choices they make
The justice model
According to William Sheldon, ________ have the greatest likelihood of becoming criminal offenders. A) Ectomorphs B) Endomorphs C) Mesomorphs D) Cyclothmorphs
C) Mesomorphs
The study of the chemical reactions that occur within a genome, and that switch parts of the genome on or off at strategic times and locations, is referred to as