How many arches are in the foot?
Which injury can be associated with heel spurs?
Plantar fasciitis
Where is the lateral malleolus located?
What is the most common injury in athletics?
Inversion ankle sprains
Name one injury that can stem from achilles tendon tightness.
Plantar fasciitis, achilles tendonitis, achilles tendon rupture, MTSS, gastroc/soleus strain
How many bones are in the foot?
What is hallux hyperextension?
Turf toe
What are the two movements performed by the talocrural joint?
Dorsiflexion and plantarflexion
Which injury has a sudden snap, point tenderness, swelling, and possibly a visual deformity?
Achilles tendon rupture
What is the minds attempt to teach the body conscious control of a specific movement?
Which is the largest tarsal bone?
What is a fracture of the base of the 5th metatarsal?
Jones fx
Where are the deltoid ligaments located?
The medial side of the ankle
Which injury causes damage to the deltoid ligaments?
Eversion ankle sprain
What is a muscular contraction where the length of the muscle remains constant?
Which toe(s) has 3 phalanges?
What injury is a tarsometatarsal fracture/dislocation?
Lisfranc injury
Name one lower leg compartment.
Anterior, lateral, superficial posterior, deep posterior
What is ecchymosis?
Discoloration, bruising
What are the two main elements of plyometrics to help build muscle power?
Speed and force
What does MTP stand for?
Metatarsophalangeal joint
Which injury can come from change in footwear, pes plants, tight calves, and/or overuse?
What ligament is responsible for a high ankle sprain?
Anterior tibiofibular ligament
What does MTSS stand for?
Medial tibial stress syndrome
What is the integration of muscular forces, neurological sensory information, and biomechanics information?