CV Disorders
CV System (flow through the body)
CV Autonomic Intervention/Baroreceptor
Respiratory Intro
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T/F Hypertension commonly leads to heart failure due to hypotrophy of the ventricles



T/F valves allow bidirectional blood flow in order to supply adequate blood down the pressure gradient



Parasympathetic neurons innervating the _____ release _____, which will cause an increase in _______.

SA Node / ACh / F and T-type Channel Permeability 


A typical tidal volume expiration to FRC (functional residual capacity) involves…

A. Contraction of the diaphragm and internal intercostals

B. Relaxation of the diaphragm and external intercostals muscles

C. Contraction of the internal intercostals muscles

D. Relaxation of the abdominal muscles

B. Relaxation of the diaphragm and external intercostals muscles


If venous PCO2 = 50 mmHg, then CO2 diffusion into the alveoli would…

  1. Increase

  1. Decrease

  2. Not change

  1. Increase


When listening to a patient’s heart with a stethoscope, the doctor hears a swishing sound after the second heart sound.  Further testing shows that pulmonary artery pressure is lower than normal during diastole and right ventricular pressure is higher than normal during diastole.  The patient’s valve problem is…

Pulmonary insufficiency 


Which of the following statements about the cardiac cycle is TRUE?

1. When pressure in the left ventricle is at peak pressure, the stroke volume is being ejected.

2. Both the pulmonary and aortic valves are closed during all of systole.

3. The ejection fraction (EF) is the SV divided by the end systolic volume (SV/ESV).

4. When ventricular pressure is decreasing most rapidly, blood is flowing from the right ventricle into the pulmonary artery.

When pressure in the left ventricle is at peak pressure, the stroke volume is being ejected.


If sympathetic neural input was decreased specifically to the ventricular muscle, then which of the following is TRUE?

  1. Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release increases

  2. The rate of Ca2+ uptake into the SR increases

  3. The ESV is decreased

  4. Muscarinic ACh receptor activation is decreased

  5. Cross-bridge cycling rate is decreased

Cross-bridge cycling rate is decreased


Which of the following statements about lung structures is/are TRUE?

A. The conducting zone is also termed anatomical dead space

B. Terminal bronchioles are surrounded by many capillaries to facilitate gas exchange

C. Mucus secreting cells and ciliated epithelia are part of a system that protects the lungs from inhaled particulates, toxins, and pathogens (like viruses and bacteria)

D. A and C

E. B and C

D. A and C


The binding of O2 to hemoglobin…

A. Is via interaction of O2 with the Fe (iron) attached to the heme portion of hemoglobin.

B. Is via interaction of O2 with the globin peptide portion of hemoglobin.

C. Is required for adequate blood O2 content and O2 delivery to tissues

D. A and C

E. B and C

D. A and C

A. Is via interaction of O2 with the Fe (iron) attached to the heme portion of hemoglobin

C. Is required for adequate blood O2 content and O2 delivery to tissues


A plaque ruptures in a major coronary artery leading to formation of ______ and clot formation.  The blockade of a major artery bringing blood flow to the left ventricle causes acute left ventricular heart failure (low CO) and edema develops in the ______.

Thrombin / Pulmonary Circulation 


Using Poiseuille's Law, calculate the change in resistance when an arterioles radius increases from 2uM to 4uM.

Resistance is decreased by a factor of 16


Your GSIs went camping in northern Michigan.  One night a ferocious wolverine attacked your favorite GSI (GSI-1), who suffered bites and deep cuts from the sharp claws.  The other GSIs managed to stop the blood loss at about 800 ml total and then plan to help GSI-1 walk out the next day once the sun is up.  Which of the following changes will occur which will allow GSI-1 to begin to restore blood volume over the several hours remaining before morning?

1. Decreased capillary pressure

2. Decreased TPR

3. Increased oncotic pressure

4. Increased lymphatic flow

5. Decreased hydrostatic pressure of the interstitial fluid


1. Decreased capillary pressure


If diaphragmatic contraction did not cause the transpulmonary pressure (PTP) to increase to be greater than lung elastic recoil during inspiration, then…

A. The abdominal muscles would contract to assist

B. Alveolar pressure would not decrease to be below atmospheric

C. Increasing intrapleural fluid volume could help correct the issue

D. Air would flow into the alveoli from the atmosphere

B. Alveolar pressure would not decrease to be below atmospheric


Which of the following changes occurs in the interstitial fluid surrounding exercising muscle and is important to increase O2 unloading within the metabolically active muscle?

A. Decreased PCO2

B. Increased pH

C. Decreased 2,3 DPG

D. Increased temperature

C. Increased Temperature 


A patient is presented with a rare disorder where they have an over production of fibrinogen. They took a tumble playing in the club soccer championships (don't worry their team won) and got a nasty cut on their elbow. How does their disorder impact this accident?

Fibrinogen is inactive. The overproduction does not have any implications when the person is not actively bleed/experiencing damaged blood vessels. Thrombin (produced by factor X) cleaves fibrinogen to the active form of fibrin and the clot is able to form more quickly (with thrombin being the limiting step).


Why is the S wave on an EKG negative?

Because the ventricle contracts from the bottom up

The current is now going toward the negative electrode of lead II


A young man has a severe allergic reaction and uses his epinephrine auto-injector.  The auto-injector delivers a dose of epinephrine (epi) into the man’s thigh muscle.  The epi then enters the bloodstream and quickly increases circulating epinephrine levels.  For now, our focus is specifically on the effects of the epi on the heart.

1. Will the injected epinephrine increase or decrease HR?

2. What type of receptors does the epi bind to at the SA node?

3. How does binding of epi at the SA node cells affect cellular mechanisms to change HR? Think about what channels are involved and whether depolarization/ repolarization/APs are affected.

1. Will the injected epinephrine increase or decrease HR?


2. What type of receptors does the epi bind to at the SA node?

  B1 Adrenergic

3. How does binding of epi at the SA node cells affect cellular mechanisms to change HR? Think about what channels are involved and whether depolarization/ repolarization/APs are affected.

Epinephrine will increase current through F-type Na+ channels and T-type Ca2+ channels. This will increase the permeability to Na+ and Ca2+, so depolarization to threshold will occur more quickly.


Airway resistance in a “normal” individual is…

A. The primary factor that limits airflow

B. Higher during inspiration than expiration

C. Higher during expiration than inspiration

D. The same during inspiration and expiration

C. Higher during expiration than inspiration

  1. Over the years, coal miners inhale large quantities of fine coal dust that irritates their alveolar surfaces and results in inflammation and then development of scar-tissue (a tough, stiff, fibrous tissue) within their alveolar walls and on alveolar surfaces. 

Define compliance.  Would coal miners have increased or decreased lung compliance?  Explain how the coal miner’s compliance change would affect the respiratory muscle contractile force required to achieve a normal TV.

Compliance indicates the ability of the lung to expand or how easily they are stretched.  The scar tissue would make the lung wall stiffer and inhibit expansion of the lungs, so the compliance would be decreased. His skeletal muscles would need to contract more forcefully to expand the alveoli for normal inspiration and TV.