Immediate complications of SCI
Respiratory arrest and spinal shock
Lymphedema treatment
What is elevation?
Acute, recovery, and chronic
Phases of neuro deficits?
Surgical site dressing soiled with yellow drainage
What is signs of infection?
Warning sign for a CVA
What is a TIA
Emergent complication of a diagnosed cerebral aneurysm
What is a severe headache?
Assessment to grade the level of SCI
What is a Neurologic exam?
Reed Sternberg cells
What is Hodgkin lymphoma?
Rapidly changing GCS
What is increased intracranial pressure?
Solution for Cerebral edema
What is a hypertonic solution?
Prolonged blood flow interruption to the brain
Stroke (CVA)
Eyes open spontaneously, verbal response-oriented, and obeys commands.
What is GCS score 15
Diagnostic test revealing CSF pressure
What is a lumbar puncture?
A high WBC count
What is Leukocytosis?
Pt with little or no improvement
What is the chronic phase of neuro deficit?
Medication that boosts WBC production in immunosuppressed patients
What is Neupogen (Filgrastim)?
Treatment for Ischemic CVA within three hours of symptoms
What is tPA?
The client stands with feet close together and eyes closed; the client sways as if to fall
What is a positive Romberg test?
Immediate loss of all cord functions below the point of injury including bladder function and poikilothermia
What is spinal shock?
A component that is necessary to control bleeding is missing or inadequate
What is coagulopathies?
paralysis, muscle weakness, impaired speech, inability to recognize objects, abnormal gait or difficulty walking, impaired memory, impaired swallowing, or abnormal bowel and bladder elimination.
What is a neurological deficit?
A prophylactic medication administered to a surgical patient
What is an antibiotic?
Numbness or weakness of one side of the face, arm, or leg; mental confusion; difficulty speaking or understanding; visual disturbances impaired walking or coordination; severe headache
What is a CVA?
CSF color
What is clear and colorless
The pt has a head injury that is significant for edema on one side of the brain and bleeding on the other side of the brain
What is a contrecoup injury?
Blood clotting factor
What is the platelet count?
Difficulty swallowing, HOB is elevated, and frequent rest periods between meals and liquids
What is dysphagia?
How to decrease multidrug resistant infections
What is hand hygiene?
Global aphasia, Intellectual impairment, Slow and cautious behavior, Defects in right visual fields, and Short retention of information.
What is a left sided stroke?
Ascending paralysis
What is Guillain-Barré syndrome?