Nervous system

Phylum Echinodermata (adults) have what kind of symmetry?



This is the type of locomotion Orangutans commonly use 



Which of the following is a reason why internal skeletons are not efficient?

A. They do not provide support for internal organs

B. Lever systems involved in movement are not very efficient

C. It does not allow for calcium or phosphate storage

D. It does not allow for energy to be stored efficiently

E. More than one of the above is correct

F. None of the above

Lever systems involved in movement are not very efficient


Which of the following is not a glial cell?

        a. Astrocyte

        b. Microglia cell

        c. Neuron

        d. Oligodendrocyte

        e. Ependymal cell



What is the gateway to the cerebral cortex and has a crude sense of stimuli?



While exploring in the amazon rainforest, a zoologist discovers a giant 7m long anaconda, the largest snake in history. How would he classify an anaconda? 

Clade: Deuterostome, Phylum: Chordata, Class: Reptilia, Order: Squamata 


What type of movement do Baboons have that differs from New world monkeys

They have quadrupedal movement


In the osteon system, which part is responsible for housing the cytoplasmic extensions which connect the cells?



This form of summation occurs when repeated stimuli cause new EPSPs to develop before previous EPSPs have decayed.



Many young people in America smoke marijuana for the calming affects. Consider Snoop dog. He is known for smoking lots of this. He was most likely a teenager when he started and has likely become used to it and so he smokes more and more to feel the effects. How would you describe Snoop Dog's habit? 



You are observing an egg from one of your backyard chickens, an amniote egg, and see the layer that stores waste,the layer that protects the embryo (no its not the shell), and the liquid that provides nutrition INDIRECTLY 

The allantois which stores the waste of the little chicken, the Chorion which protects the embryo, the Albumen which provides nutrients indirectly. 


Curious George can grab a banana with what kind of tail and what kind of monkey is Curious George ( your best guess) 

A prehensile tail and a New World monkey 


While learning to cook, I fried fish in hot oil and the oil exploded and spilled on my face, hands, and foot. If I only had a red burn on my face and hands which means my epidermis was damaged, what type of burn is this? And if it affected the epidermis and parts of my dermis on my foot what kind of burn is this? 

1st degree burn, 2nd degree burn


Many local anesthetics block pain signals by inhibiting Na+ channels. Why does this work?

The sodium channels are the ones that respond to stimuli to create an action potential, so if they are inhibited then the potential will not be able to rise to threshold.


What are the two "sections" of the forebrain, and name structures within those sections of the forebrain. 

Telecephalon: Olfactory bulbs and cerebrum 

Diencephalon: Thalamus, hypothalamus, epithalamus, and pineal body


While swimming in Lake Michigan, you get out of the water to go home and see that a jawless fish has been sucking your blood, you investigate this creature. What phylum are these fish in and name 2 distinctive characteristics. 

These fish are known as lampreys which are part of phylum Pteromyzontida. 2 distinctive characteristics are that they live in every body of water and live as parasites 


A young gorilla is playing around as they do, and finds an interesting stick that he doesn't want anyone else to have. Aside from using his hand, how else can this young gorilla grab this stick?

With his opposable first toe :)


 A patient comes in with a pimple-like spot on their cheek. You, the physician, examine the spot and notice it bleeds easily and see keratinocytes in the stratum spinosum layer of the epidermis.

Squamous cell carcinoma 


During salutatory conduction,

a. The impulse travels continuously down the axon

b. The impulse leaps from the presynaptic cleft to the postsynaptic cleft

c. The impulse jumps from one node of Ranvier to the next

d. The impulse requires more energy because it leaps from node to node

c. The impulse jumps from one node of Ranvier to the next


Stimulation of this system at the heart causes decreases in heart rate.

Parasympathetic nervous system 


Phineas and Ferb have a pet Platypus named Perry. Perry now has a wife and she lays eggs but is a mammal. First, what clade of mammals are Perry and his new girl in, what mode of reproduction do Platypus have, and how will she nourish her young?

Perry and his wife are in clade Protheria of mammals and they are oviparous meaning they lay eggs despite being mammals. She will nurse these young by secreting milk from her mammary glands. 


Exactly how many curves do Grorillas have in their spine

One and it is really minimal


This type of functional class of synovial joints includes the hinge joint at the elbow and knee and a PIVOT joint at the radius and ulna. 



The following cell type provides myelin sheathing for the peripheral nervous system.

a. Oligodendrocyte

b. Astrocytes

c. Schwann cell

d. Microglia

C. Schwann cells 


Imagine you are panicking during the exam. Your heart rate increases, you're breathing heavy while trying to read and understand the questions. What areas are "most active" during this moment. Name at least 4 structures. 

- Right hemisphere: emotions

- Left hemisphere: fact recovery and decision making

- Prefrontal association area: planning, decision making

- Primary motor area: voluntary movement 

- Primary visual areas, cerebrum, parasympathetic NS, pons, medulla