Normal Newborn
Newborn Care
Abnormal Newborn

This reflex is displayed by visualizing that when the infant’s head is turned to the right side, the leg and arm on the right side will extend, while the leg and arm on the left side will flex.  

What is the Tonic Neck Reflex 


A newborn baby is experiencing pathological jaundice and is under phototherapy. These are priorities when caring for this baby.  

What is eye protection, monitor temperature, and monitor feedings.


A newborn in the nursery displays tachypnea, grunting, retractions, and cyanosis. These are symptoms of ______

What is Respiratory Distress Syndrome? 


Where should we expect to find the fundus of a patient 12 hours postpartum? 

What is near the umbilicus? 


These are all signs and symptoms of _________

Contractions that go away with rest and lack of cervical change

What is false labor? 


A nursing student is asked to administer vitamin K to a newborn. The student is aware that vitamin K must be administered within 1 hour of birth but is not sure about which route is appropriate. Vitamin K should be given by this route ________.

What is intramuscular? 


This is given to all infants and prevents an infection called ophthalmia neonatorum from occurring after birth in a newborn born to a parent with an untreated gonococcal infection.

What is erythromycin ointment? 


When an infant is under phototherapy, they excrete bilirubin through _______

What is stool and urine?


A patient is complaining of abdominal pain similar to gas pains post-C-section. What nonpharmacological interventions can help alleviate her pain? 

What is ambulation? 


When detecting fetal heart tones, you find them in the lower right quadrant of the maternal abdomen. The baby is likely in _________ presentation

What is vertex or cephalic?


A new mother expresses concern to the nurse that her 8-hour-old newborn has developed some edema in both eyes. This is likely caused by ________. 

What is erythromycin? 


Place the tape measure under the infant's head, wrap it around the occiput, and measure just above the eyebrows to measure _____________

What is head circumference? 


A newborn displays high-pitched crying, yawning, irritability, sneezing, and poor feeding. The likely diagnosis is _____________

What is neonatal abstinence syndrome? NAS

A mother is pumping breast milk, she can safely store this in the freezer for ________

What is 6 months to 1 year? 


A patient presents to L&D with complaints of labor. Her fetal tracing displays decelerations of the heart rate that start after the contract begins and returns to baseline after the end of the contraction. These are _______ decelerations. 

What are late decelerations?

How do we manage them? 


This reflex is normally present in full-term newborns and most helpful with the latching-on process.

What is the rooting reflex? 


Heat loss in a preterm infant is more significant than in a full-term infant. The nurse should assess for heat loss continually in a preterm infant. The first sign that the infant’s temperature is low may be _________

What is hypoglycemia? 


During the admission history of a mother who is in labor, the nurse ascertains that the mother smoked 1 pack of cigarettes/day during the pregnancy, and appears underweight. Because of this information, the nurse should prepare for the birth of an infant who may be

What is small for gestational age? 


The postpartum woman has a blood pressure of 150/90 mm Hg, pulse of 72 bpm, and respirations of 14 breaths per minute. She continues to bleed heavily. The order states she may have methylergonovine (Methergine), 0.2 mg IM, or oxytocin (Pitocin), 10 units IM for heavy bleeding. The nurse should administer which medication?

What is oxytocin?


These are all implications to use ___________ to monitor fetal heart rate: obesity and general difficulty tracing fetal heart rate. 

What is internal fetal monitoring? 

What are the contraindications? 


One important and simple measure that can be used to prevent infection in newborns is _______

What is handwashing?


If enough unconjugated bilirubin accumulates in the blood, it may cause staining of the tissues in the brain, resulting in ___________

What is Kernicterus?


A newborn develops jaundice at 16 hours of age. The nurse notes that the Coombs test is positive. The nurse orders a total serum bilirubin test and the results are 10 mg/dL. The nurse’s next action should be to ________

What is placing the infant under photo therapy lights? 


The best position for a woman who has postpartum endometritis is _____________

What is Fowlers? 


A type of fetal monitoring where the nurse auscultates FHR before, during and after a contraction periodically. 

What is intermittent fetal monitoring?