World War I
Progressive Era
Spanish-American War

Allied Powers during World War I before the U.S. entered the war.

What is France, Great Britain, and Russia?


Name of Roosevelt's party during the Election of 1912.

What is the Bull Moose Party?


Name of the first battle of the Spanish-American War.

What is the Battle of Manila Bay?


Author of Influence of Sea Power Upon History (1890)

Who is Alfred Thayer Mahan?


This granted federal regulators in the ICC the power to legally order railroads to set reasonable rates and empowered President Theodore Roosevelt to monitor railroad pricing.

What is the Hepburn Act?


Name of the military alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey during the war.

What is Central Powers?


Winner of the Election of 1912.

Who is Woodrow Wilson?


Name of last battle of the Spanish-American War where Spanish ships attempted to flee but US ships prevented them from doing so

What is the Battle of Santiago Bay?


The United States acquired this piece of land after paying Russia $7.2 million.

What is Alaska?


This revolution was led and won by the Bolsheviks in Russia. This was also considered a Marxist-Leninist revolution that led to the rise of Vladimir Lenin and the Soviet Union.

What is the Second Russian Revolution of 1917?


This was sent to the German ambassador of Mexico from German foreign minister, Arthur Zimmerman to offer a military alliance to Mexico.

What is the Zimmerman Telegram?


16th Amendment

What is Income Tax?


Name of treaty that ended the Spanish-American War that gave the U.S. Guam, the Philippines, and Puerto Rico.

What is the Treaty of Paris of 1898?


Rudyard Kipling wrote this poem, which appealed to Americans to join in the imperial quest to "uplift and civilize" people in other countries.

What is White Man's Burden?


This revolution was a democratic revolution in Russia, which was favored by Woodrow Wilson.

What is the First Russian Revolution?


This ship was blown up by German submarines as a result of unrestricted submarine warfare. 128 Americans died as result of the explosion.

What is the Lusitania?


17th Amendment

What is Direct Election of Senators?

Name of Theodore Roosevelt's famous cavalry unit during the Battle of San Juan and Kettle Hills after he

What are the Rough Riders?

Sugar plantation owner, who took over Hawaii and applied for annexation after the destruction of the Hawaiian monarchy.

Who is Sanford Dole?


Name of the organization that was led by Bernard Baruch created as a result of the Overman Act that increased output and created greater efficiency in the oil, steel, and electrical industries.

What is the War Industries Board?

Name of an organization created as a result of the Overman Act that focused on the news surrounding the war. This was led by George Creel, who was a Denver journalist.

What is the Committee on Public Information?


An act that forbade the mislabeling of food products that are traveling state-to-state. This was a direct response to The Jungle written by Upton Sinclair.

What is the Pure Food and Drug Act?


Name of the Secretary of State, who called the Spanish-American War a "Splendid Little War."

Who is John Hay?


These individuals would go to other countries not necessarily for religious reasons to save souls, spread capitalism, and uplift people. This group of people sparked U.S. imperialism.

What are missionaries?


Name of law who mainly targeted Eugene Debs that would give anyone who vocally opposed the war a 20 year prison sentence.

What is the Sedition Act?