This psychologist proposed that intelligence is made up of fluid and crystallized intelligence
Raymond Cattell
Freud’s model of personality includes these three structures
Id, Ego, and Superego
This bias causes people to overemphasize personality traits and underestimate situational factors when judging others
Fundamental Attribution Error
This is a negative attitude toward a person based solely on group membership
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs starts with this basic need
Physiological Needs
The Triarchic Theory of intelligence includes these three types
Analytical, Creative, and Practical intelligence
The Big Five personality traits can be remembered using this acronym
In Asch’s famous experiment, participants conformed by doing this
giving an incorrect answer to match the group
This psychological term describes generalized beliefs about a group of people
This theory states that motivation comes from maintaining homeostasis
Drive-Reduction Theory
This theory suggests that there are multiple intelligences, including musical, bodily-kinesthetic, and naturalistic intelligence
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory
This Neo-Freudian psychologist developed the Inferiority Complex and emphasized birth order
Alfred Adler
Milgram’s obedience study found that this percentage of participants administered the highest shock level
This effect occurs when a stereotype influences someone’s performance on a task.
Stereotype Threat
In the James-Lange Theory, emotions occur in this order
physiological response first, then emotion
This term describes the gradual increase in IQ scores over time across generations
the Flynn Effect
This projective test involves interpreting ambiguous inkblots
Rorschach Inkblot Test
This concept explains why people in groups sometimes exert less effort than when working alone
Social Loafing
This type of discrimination occurs when someone is denied a job due to their age
The Schachter-Singer Two-Factor Theory states that emotions require these two components
physiological arousal and cognitive labeling
What are the three strata of intelligence?
The Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Theory divides intelligence into three levels: general, broad, and narrow abilities
This theory argues that environment, behavior, and cognition all interact to shape personality
Bandura’s Reciprocal Determinism
The Bystander Effect occurs because of this psychological phenomenon
Diffusion of Responsibility
The Just-World Hypothesis leads people to believe this
“people get what they deserve” or “the world is fair”
This psychologist identified six universal emotions: happiness, sadness, anger, fear, disgust, and surprise
Paul Ekman