Substance Abuse
Mood Disorders
Symptoms of Schizophrenia

This type of group leadership style involves sharing information with members to allow them to make decisions how the group is run and to make decisions about group goals. 

What democratic leadership style?


Patients who are addicted to alcohol or benzodiazepines my experience difficulty with pain control due to cross-tolerance with these medications. 

What are opioid analgesics?


This medication is used to treat EPS symptoms. 

What is benzatropine (Cogentin)?


This type of diet could be helpful for a patient experiencing mania who has poor intake. 

What are finger foods?


A group of words that are put together randomly. 

What is Word Salad


The 5 fundamental needs identified by this therapy type include power, belonging, freedom, fun and survival. 

What is Reality Therapy?


This medication is used to manage the symptoms of opioid withdrawal. 

What is:

Naltrexone? or methadone? or Suboxone?


This group of drugs is used to treat patients experiencing alcohol withdrawal delirium or DTs.

What are benzodiazepines?


This therapy can be effective in the treatment of treatment resistant depression and involves applying electric current to the brain while a person is under anesthesia. 

What is ECT?


Fixed false beliefs that are irrational and that the individual maintains are true despite evidence to the contrary. 

What are delusions


This relaxation technique involves using tools like a blood pressure cuff to help a patient identify the thoughts and feelings that may affect blood pressure. 

What is biofeedback?


 About 5% of hospitalized patients with alcohol related disorders develop this emergency condition which left untreated has a 20% mortality rate. 

What is alcohol withdrawal delirium (DTs)?

Elevated temperature, severe diarrhea, blurred vision and tinnitus are symptoms of this adverse effect. 

What is lithium toxicity?


A milder form of mania, not severe enough to require hospitalization. Does not involve psychosis. 

What is hypomania?


Repeating words or phrases spoken by another

What is Echolalia?


Major Neurocognitive disorder was previously described as this in earlier editions of the DSM. 

What is dementia?


This injury to the liver results from long-term alcohol abuse. 

What is cirrhosis of the liver?


Symptoms of EPS may include tremors, dystonia, akinesia, akathisia and may occur as a side effect of this group of medications. 

What are antipsychotics?


This type of bipolar disorder involves experiencing a chronic mood disturbance of at least 2 years duration, involving numerous periods of elevated mood that do not meet the criteria for a hypomanic episode and numerous periods of depressed mood that do not meet the criteria for a major depressive episode. 

What is cyclothymic disorder?


This type of auditory hallucination involves voices that tell the person that they must do something and can be high risk. 

What are command hallucinations?


Groups like AA are usually run by members and are this type of group. 

What are self-help groups?

These voluntary programs for nurses who suffer from alcohol or drug abuse disorders may be run by or referred into by the State Board of Nursing and include treatment, close monitoring and drug screening.

What are Diversionary Programs?


This group of medications can be used in the treatment of bipolar disorder (not lithium). 

What are anticonvulsants?


This psychosocial theory of depression involves the idea that people may become depressed after a series of losses/ struggles due to "learned helplessness" related to a feeling of a lack of control over their lives. 

What is Learning Theory


This positive symptom of schizophrenia occurs when a person thinks that events in the environment are referring to themselves. 

What are delusions of reference?