Tech Prep
Mixed Questions
Extra Hard Questions
At the University of Iowa, what are two things we do with the crew before tech?
Crew watch, crew training
Name four types of tech.
Dry tech, cue-to-cue, tech rehearsal (wet tech), quick change rehearsal, sitzprobe (wandleprobe), dress rehearsal, invited dress rehearsal, previews
What does an SM watch for when maintaining a show?
Changes in blocking, pacing/timing, ad libbing, creation/addition of staging or lines to get audience reaction, fading color/burn outs, worn out set pieces and costumes, damaged props, consumables
Why do SMs learn multiple tracks?
The PSM can move to another production, the PSM can observe the show and take notes, the stage managers can have a break, to keep the job fresh
What are two ways of saying good luck and which performing art do they belong to?
"Break a leg" - Theatre "Merde" - Dance "Toi, Toi, Toi" - Opera
What's the point of having prop tables?
All props are accounted for, quick and easy access, organization, consistency, tracking
What is a shift plot?
The guide to everything that happens backstage during a performance - actors entrances and exits, prop handoffs and catches, scene shifts, quick changes, fly, automation, etc.
What might shift a cue placement during a performance?
Laughter, applause, interaction
Name 3 things that should be included in a performance report.
Show name, performance number, date, location, house count, performance breakdown, accident/injury, late/absent, next day's schedule, notes section
What is a music director in opera called?
Name three signs you might need to post backstage.
Quiet Please/Quiet Zone, Find an Alternate Route, Directional Signs (Bathroom, Dressing Rooms, Green Room, Backstage Areas), Production Personnel Only
What does the ASM do during tech?
Preshow/post show duties, manages backstage (crew, actors), creates and maintains the run sheet, shift plot, costume plot, show order/running order
What is safety taping?
Tape (white, glow) that is placed in hard to see areas or hazardous areas to help protect actors from injuring themselves. Examples: Stairs, odd-sized steps, railings, things that block or interfere with crossovers, dark areas, etc.
What is an archival book?
A cleaned up version of the SMs book that includes all production information and paperwork (even the ASMs paperwork)
What does an SM do in preparation for tech?
Tech schedule, calling script, tech equipment request, front of house paperwork/coordination
What is a post show checklist?
List all duties that need to occur following the show, delegate tasks to each crew member (one person check and one double check - ASM does final check)
What might a stage manager call a cue from?
Dialogue, blocking/movement, music, breath/feeling
What should stage management do prior to letting actors on stage?
Test all moving pieces, test all flying rigs, safety tape in show conditions, safety walk, if it's the first time on stage then they should do a walkthrough/tour
What are differences between stage managing opera, dance, and theatre?
Rehearsals/rehearsal time, tech time/schedule, performances, performer needs, script/score, etc.
Name 5 things stage management teams do when setting up for tech/loading in.
Backstage signage, crew paperwork, running lights, crew station, prop tables, dressing rooms, quick change booths, spiking the set, safety taping/risk assessment
Name 5 things an SM may request through a tech request.
Headsets, cue lights, tech tables, table lights, production equipment (door stops, run lights, extension cords, power strips, rigging gloves, flashlights)
Name the four types of calls and the timing of each one.
Warning - 2 minutes Standby - 10-30 seconds Wind up - 1-5 seconds Go! - 1 Beat
What does the SM do in preparation for tech?
Tech schedule, tech request, tech agendas (preps to run tech), puts cues in book
What should an SM be during tech?
Prepared, calm, good mediator, timely, update (even if you need to fake it), good communicator, good person