the tax form to fill out when filling your taxes
what is a 1040 form?
payments people are required to pay to local, state and national governments
these are part time jobs for undergraduate and graduate students with financial need, allowing them to earn money to help pay education expenses.
work study program
what are taxes
payments people are required to pay to local, state and national governments
what is the type of tax paid on money made from selling an asset
capital gains tax
this is the largest expense of the state government
This is the largest expense of the state government
progressive tax
Tax that takes a larger percentage of income from the wealthy than the poor taxpayers
what will happen to the amount of money being withheld from his paycheck for taxes
to adjust or check tax withholdings
this is the largest category of expenses of the federal government
entitlement programs
A document that a job applicant creates to itemize education, qualifications, and experience for a position.
Regressive tax
Tax that takes a higher percentage of income from the poor than from the rich
this is a tax paid after a very wealthy person dies
estate tax
what is the biggest source of revenue for the federal government
individual income tax
Jim’s parents did not further their education after high school. Jim doesn’t have anyone he knows or respects who has.
Proportional tax (fixed tax)
Tax that takes the same percentage of income from wealthy and poor taxpayers
this is a type of tax system takes a larger percentage of income from wealthy than the poor
regressive taxes
this is the largest category of expenses of federal government
entitlement programs
He tries to apply to some schools to further his education and get a better paying job but his grades in high school hurt his ability to be accepted into a program.
Tax brackets
Divisions at which tax rates change in a progressive tax system