Marginalized/Vulnerable Population
Old People
Abuse/Violence + Extra Stuff
What is a marginalized population?

Population of people treated unfairly in society (ex: disabilities, homelessness, immigrants, LGBT)


What is some health promotion for adolescents reading nicotine?

Tolerance develops quickly, nicotine is a CNS stimulant, smoking is the number one preventable death in the US, and withdrawal symptoms are substantial leading to an increase in physical dependence 

What is a refugee?

Individual would is unable or unwilling to go back to country of origin out of fear of persecution for religios, racial, ideological, or political beliefs


What factors affect older adults' access to preventative services?

Accessibility, affordability, and transportation 


What are some sources to help identify community data regarding injuries and violence?

"Don't Come Past April"

D - death certificates


P - police reports

A - autopsy reports 


What is a volunerable population?

Wounded, leads to the concept of "less than perfect"


Who is the focus of health education for school communities?

School-aged children, parents/guardian, school personnel, and neighborhood residents (ex: business owners) 


What is an immigrant?

Individual who goes to another country without proper authority 


What is the percentage of the elderly who report at least 1 disability? Who reports at least 1 severe disability?

52% report at least one disability, 1/3 report at least 1 severe disability 


What are some secondary interventions the nurse can do if intimate partner violence is suspected?

Screen those who at an identified risk

Assess any unexplainable injuries/bruises

Refer survivors to support groups/other necessary help

Educate that a report has to be made 


What factors that threaten health for marginalized/vulnerable populations?

Low income, difficulty accessing health care, poor self-esteem, young or advanced age, chronic stages, and environmental factors 


What are the required screenings for the school-aged population?

Vision, hearing, immunizations, and spinal (recommended) 

What is a migrant worker?

Individual who comes to another country for temporary work (also known as agricultural workers), usually seasonal work


What are the s/sx of self-neglect in the elderly?

Poor hygiene, unattended medical problems, and malnourishment/dehydration 


What are signs of abuse for the elderly person?

Unexplainable/repeated physical injuries, physical neglect (unmet basic needs), rejection of assistance by caregiver, financial mismanagement, withdrawal and passivity, and depression


How can the CHN best help margalized communites achieve their goals?

Through empowerment about visualizing their needs and actively participating in planning/implementing need for change 

What is the health promotion/education to prevent head lice in school-aged children?

Don't share hates, scarves, combs/brushes

Education about how it is passed person to person

Perform head checks periodically at school

Education about appropriate follow-up needed after treatment 


What is an asylee?

Individual who meets the definition of a refugee and is already present in the country (where seeking safety or protection) 


What are exerise goals for elderly adults?

Engage in strengthening activities that involve all major muscle groups at least 2x/week. 30-60 minutes of moderate intensity exercise most days of the week 


What is included in a needs assessment?

Questionnaires, surveys, secure management support, employee health and insurance records, and work site walk-through


What is the nurse's role when working with the homeless population? 

First clarify own values and beliefs 

Create trusting environment 

Show respect, compassion, and concern without making assumptions 

Advocate for accessible health care 

Focus on promotion and prevention 

Develop a network of support 

How should nutrition education programs be for school-age populations?

Age appropriate videos, visuals, audio, and materials

Use simple and clear activity based learning

Teach marking techniques (ex: surveys, committee w/ students, and making recommendations)


What are the phases of assimilation of refugees and asylees?

Acute period - immediate arrival (acute problems of TB/hepatitis)

A time of transition

Chronic period - identifying with mainstream politics and communicating in native language of that country (chronic problem of PTSD)


What can the nurse do if they suspect physical abuse of an elder?

REPORT (mandated reporter), build trust & confidence, assess for immediate danger, provide emergency care as needed, develop a safety plan w/ client, and make needed referrals 


What is involved in a risk assessment?

Used to determine life expectancy based on current risk behaviors and the amount of risk that could be avoided if lifestyle behaviors were changed