
The name of IQ tests for adults and children

What is WAIS and WISC

The two scales emotions are rated on

What is Affect (negative vs positive) and Arousal (low vs high)



What is a psychological state that, by creating arousal, motivates an organism to satisfy a need


Language variation used by a group of people who share geographic proximity or ethnic background

What is Dialect


A mental shortcut (name 3 of them)

What is Heuristics (Availability, Representativeness, Affective)


Theory that says there is one factor of intelligence

What is Spearman's General Intelligence Theory


Primary emotions

What are innate, evolutionary adaptive, and universal emotions. Anger, fear, sadness, disgust, happiness, surprise, and contempt


Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation

What is a value or pleasure that is associated with an activity, and external goals that motivate one to complete an activity


The parts of the brain that govern speech production and comprehension

What is Wenicke's Area and Broca's Area


Paradox of Choice

What is the idea that people want as many choices as possible, but often experience conflict and indecision when there are too many choices


The type of intelligence I am using, according to Sternberg, when I sit in a classroom and take a test

What is Analytic?


Theory that says that emotions follow bodily responses

What is the James-Lange theory


Yerkes-Dodson Law

What is the law that states performance on challenges increases with arousal until a moderate level, and then after that point decreases. 


Linguistic Relativity Theory

What is the idea that language determines thought


Recently, you have seen 3 news reports on your local news about people winning the lottery. You go out and buy a lottery ticket, thinking that if you are going to win, now is the time. This is an example of the ...?

What is Availability Heuristic


Which of the following is an example of fluid intelligence?

A. The 13th President of the United States

B. A crossword puzzle

C. Knowing the height of the Empire State Building

D. Identifying a noun in a sentence

What is B


You are hiking through the woods when you see a bear. You feel your heart rate quicken and simultaneously realize that you are scared. What theory is this?

What is the Cannon-Bard Theory


Self-Determination Theory

People are motivated to satisfy needs for competence, relatedness to others, and autonomy. (Intrinsic). Argues that extrinsic rewards undermine the feeling that people are choosing for themselves. 


The order of appearance of language milestones

a. single words

b. telegraphic speech

c. babbling

d. sentences of 3 or more words

e. cooing

What is (e) cooing, (c) babbling, (a) single words, (b) telegraphic speech, and (d) sentences


You see two men in front of you at the coffee shop. One is dressed in a T-Shirt and sweatpants. The other is in a suit. Later you are asked which one is more successful and you pick the man in the suit, because he is obviously on his way to a job. This is an example of ... ?

What is the Representative Heuristic


Gardner's Multiple Intelligences

What is Linguistic, Logical Mathematical, Musical, Spatial, Bodily-kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, and Naturalist


Theory that says that cognitive responses to situations are important in determining emotions

What is the Schachter-Singer Theory


Self-Perception Theory

People are seldom aware of their specific motives, instead drawing inferences on their motives according to what seems to make the most sense


Theories of Language Development

What is Nativists believe that we are born with the knowledge of language, while behaviorists believe that we infer language through imitation and operant conditioning

The difference between normative decision making theories and descriptive decision making theories

What is normative theories define how people make decisions, always selecting the choice that yields the biggest gain. Descriptive theories focus on actual choices because people often show biases in decision making