Court Cases
Civil Rights
These are briefs submitted to SCOTUS not by the plaintiff or the defendent, but by 3rd parties with a vested interest in the outcome of the case.
What are amicus curiae briefs?
Along with granting equal protection to citizens in every state, this amendment takes the due process clause of the 5th amendment and applies it to the states.
What is Amendment XIV?
The results of this case overturned the precedent set by Plessy v Ferguson.
What is Brown v Board of Education?
This amendment freed slaves.
What is the 13th amendment?
This means that civil liberties are honored in an effective way.
What is substantive due process?
This is a test used by a federal court to determine if a state is violating the establishment cause of freedom of religion. The test determines if the state is either advancing or inhibiting religious belief, has a secular purpose for involvement with the institution, and is excessively entangled with the institution.
What is the Lemon Test?
An acronym to remember the civil liberties granted by the first amendment is RAPPS. What do these letters stand for?
What is Freedom of Religion, Assembly, Press, Petition, and Speech?
This was the first case in which SCOTUS reviewed laws made under the 2nd amendment.
What is DC v Heller?
This is when a bank denies a loan to an African American for buying a home in certain neighborhoods.
What is redlining?
This is what the supreme court uses to hear/review cases.
What is writ of certiorari?
When voting on SCOTUS justice nominees, a senator may use this to filter out nominees based on 1 single voting issue.
What is a litmus test?
This amendment grants states the right to form a militia and for citizens to own guns.
What is Amendment II?
This happens when predominately white neighborhoods have an influx of African Americans, and the whites move out.
What is White Flight?
This is the number of SCOTUS justices required to agree to hear a case.
What is 4?
Because of the great power of SCOTUS justices, the theory of judicial _______ encourages justices to limit the exercise of their power.
What is Judicial Restraint?
This amendment states that any rights not specifically mentioned in the bill of rights are still granted to the people.
What is the 9th amendment?
This case set the "clear and present danger test" for deciding if speech was protected by the 1st amendment or not.
What is Shenck v US?
This was a fee voters had to pay before voting in certain states, outlawed by the 24th Amendment.
What is a poll tax?
Former SCOTUS Justice Potter Stewart said famously of this term "I know it when I see it."
What is obscenity?
This is the national policy-making body for the federal courts?
What is the Judicial Conference?
This amendment outlawed poll taxes.
What is Amendment XXIV?
The results of this case modified the clear and present danger test by adding that speech likely to incite imminent and lawless action was not protected by the first amendment.
What is Brandenburg v ohio?
This required states with a history of racism to get federal clearance before changing voting laws.
What is the Voting Rights Act of 1965?
This was a letter written by John Locke concerning separation of church and state.
What is Letter Concerning Toleration?