Coping with death

Name 2 opioids?

Hydromorphine (dilaudid)






Do you use objective or subjective information when documenting? 

Objective. You want to paint a picture of what is happening to the patient for them to get the right care. 


Name the 6 stages of grief according to Engel?

 Shock and disbelief

 Developing awareness


 Resolving the loss




Describe pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and pharmacotherapeutics?

Pharmacokinetics is what the body does to the drug 

Pharmacodynamics is what the drug is made to do 

Pharmacotherapeutics are drugs that treat disease and prevent disease


Describe half-life of a drug?

half-life is the time it takes for a drug in the body to decrease to one half the peak level 


What is Pain

Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience.

What information is confidential about a patient?




Phone number



What are some nursing interventions for a patient currently experiencing palliative and hospice care? 

Any answer will do..


What are four ways pharmacodynamics work?

1. replace or act as a substance for missing chemicals

2. to increase or stimulate certain cellular activities 

3. to depress or slow cellular activities

4. to interfere with the functioning of foreign cells. 


Describe Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion.

Absorption- medication going from the location of administration to the bloodstream 

Distribution- transportation of the medicines by bodily fluids to where it needs to go 

Metabolism- The breakdown of the medication 

Excretion- The removal of the unmetabolized medication from the body


what are the 6 sources of pain and describe each one?

1. cutaneous- pain that involves the skin or subcutaneous tissue

2. somatic- diffuse or scattered and originates in tendons, ligaments, bones, joints, blood vessels, nerves

3. visceral- pain that comes from the internal organs like the stomach, intestines, and heart 

4. Referred pain is when you have an injury in one area of your body but feel pain elsewhere. 

5. neuropathic- caused by a lesion or disease of the peripheral CNS. Injury to nerves, spinal cord, or brain

6. phantom- pain felt after losing a limb even though it is not there


What is content?

Content is the information provided by the patient to chart. Information entered current and factual events that reflect the nursing process. 


What is a DNR (Do not resuscitate)?

 To prevent the improper use of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, which is designed to prevent unexpected death, some health care providers write Do-not-resuscitate (DNR) order, or No Code, on the medical record of a patient if the patient or surrogate has expressed a wish that there be no attempts to resuscitate the patient. A DNR order means that no attempts are to be made to resuscitate a patient whose breathing or heart stops.


Where does metabolism and excretion take place in the body?

Metabolism liver 

Excretion kidneys


What are the purpose of patient records? 

Communication, diagnostic testing, care planning, quality process and performance improvement, research, education, legal and historical documenting


What are the 4 origins of pain?






What phrases should you avoid when documenting?

appears, normal, average, good, sufficient


What are some clinical signs of impending death?

•Difficult talking or swallowing

•Nausea, flatus, abdominal distention

•Urinary and bowel incontinence

•Loss of movement, sensation, and reflexes

•Decreasing body temperature

•Weak, slow, or irregular pulse

•Decreased blood pressure

•Noise, irregular, or Cheyne-Stokes respirations

•Restlessness and/or agitation

•Cooling, mottling, and cyanosis of the extremities


What is the difference between the generic name and the trade name of medication? 

Generic name- "official" name of drug (not owned by company

ex: Acetaminophen

Trade name- a name selected by the pharmaceutical company that made the drug 

ex: Tylenol



According to the joint commison what abbreviations don't you use name 3?

U (unit)

IU (international unit)

QD (daily)

you can also name any 3 that comes to mind


What do you do in a pain assessment? 

Ask the patient to rate pain 1-10

Ask the patient where is the pain located 

Ask the patient what their tolerance level is

Ask the patient to describe pain


What is the format to giving a report to another nurse?

  • Introduction: Introduce your name, role, and the agency from which you are calling.
  • Situation: Provide the patient’s name and location, why you are calling, recent vital signs, and the status of the patient.
  • Background: Provide pertinent background information about the patient such as admitting medical diagnoses, code status, recent relevant lab or diagnostic results, and allergies.
  • Assessment: Share abnormal assessment findings and your evaluation of the current patient situation.
  • Request/Recommendations: State what you would like the 


     to do, such as reassess the patient, order a lab/diagnostic test, prescribe/change medication, etc.
  • Repeat back: If you are receiving new orders from a 


    , repeat them to confirm accuracy. Be sure to document communication with the 


     in the patient’s chart.

What are the 7 types of loss?

Actual- To actually loss something or someone ex: loss of a beloved family or a treasured object

Perceived loss is when someone feels they’ve lost something valuable, even if it hasn’t physically disappeared.

Physical- to loss something physical like a body part

Psychological- Psychological loss refers to the emotional and mental impact of losing something significant, like a relationship or a sense of identity, which can lead to feelings of grief or emptiness.

Maturational- a loss of the natural developmental process

Ex:  a first child may experience a loss of status when a sibling is born, and the parent of a single child may experience a sense of loss when the child begins school.

Situational- Situational loss occurs when a person experiences a loss due to a specific event or circumstance, such as a job loss, a natural disaster, or a sudden change in life circumstances.

Ex: like losing your house in a hurricane

Anticipatory- expecting the loss and grief of a loved one but it has not happened yet


What does adverse drug effect mean and name 3 adverse side effects.

You can also name any other adverse side effects that you can think of.

Adverse side effects are undesired effects from the medication 

Ex: allergic reactions, drug tolerance, toxic effects


Name any 6 rights of medication administration? You can name any one it does not have to be in order

right patient 

right dose

right time 

right route 

right medication 

right reason