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This religion has multiple gods; its hearth is in India.

Hindusim. Hinduism is a polytheistic religion whose hearth is in India. It is an ethnic religion, meaning they are not looking for new adherents or trying to recruit anyone into their religion.

This religion does not have a god; its hearth is in Nepal.

Buddhism. Buddhism is neither polytheistic, nor monotheistic. Its hearth is current-day Nepal. It is a universal religion, meaning they are looking for new adherents or accepting anyone into their religion.


This religion has one god; its hearth is in Mecca, current-day Saudi Arabia.

Islam. Islam is a Monotheistic religion whose hearth is in Mecca, current-day Saudi Arabia.. It is a universal religion, meaning they are looking for new adherents or recruiting anyone into their religion.


These two religions each have one god; their hearths are in current-day Israel.

Christianity and Judaism. Christianity and Judaism are monotheistic religions whose hearths are in current-day Israel. Christianity is a universal religion, meaning they are looking for new adherents or recruiting anyone into their religion. Judaism is an ethnic religion, meaning they are not looking for new adherents or recruiting anyone into their religion.


This religion has one god; its hearth is in the Punjab region located between India and Pakistan. 

Sikhism. Sikhism is a monotheistic religion whose hearth is in the Punjab region located between India and Pakistan. It is a universal religion, meaning they are looking for new adherents or recruiting anyone into their religion.


You have one ethnic religion and one universal religion. Which religion likely has more adherents and why?

Generally speaking, universal religions usually have more adherents. This is because these religions diffuse via hierarchical diffusion, contagious diffusion, and relocation diffusion. Remember, they WANT more adherents, so they'll diffuse and spread any way they can. On the other hand, ethnic religions usually only diffuse via relocation diffusion. They do not care much about diffusing and spreading anywhere. They are happy staying near their hearth or relocating if necessary.


Between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, which likely has the least amount of adherents and why?

Judaism has the least amount of adherents and this is partly because it is an ethnic religion, while the other two religions are universal religions. Remember, ethnic religions do not care about adding adherents, but universal religions do.

The image that we use to organize languages.
The language tree. Remember, we organize languages using the language tree because it helps us structure their origins and relations to one another. In other words, some languages are closely related to each other and the language tree helps us visualize these relationships.

The systematic killing of members of a racial, ethnic, or linguistic group.

Genocide. Genocide is one tragic consequence of colonialism and imperialism. The systematic killing of members of a racial, ethnic, or linguistic group means that entire cultures can sometimes be lost. Moreover, if a culture is wiped out, the language can also become endangered and eventually extinct.


A word for non-religious.

Secularization. Secularization of society means that religion and its influence is decreased or eliminated. Secularization can sometimes be a centrifugal force. How so? Well, imagine a religious person being told they can no longer practice their religion! Or that same person noticing their religion is becoming less influential in society.


Things that bring people together and unify a neighborhood, society, or country. Hint: remember this word has a P letter in it, which should remind you of the word "peace"...

Centripetal forces. Centripetal forces are things that bring people together and unify a neighborhood, society, or country. Examples can include language. If everybody in a country speaks the same language, this is considered a centripetal force because it is easier for people to communicate with each other and understand each other.


Things that THREATEN the cohesion of a neighborhood, society, or country. In other words, these are things that cause tension. Hint: remember this word has an F letter in it, which should remind you of the word "fight"...

Centrifugal forces. Centrifugal forces are things that THREATEN the cohesion of a neighborhood, society, or country. Examples can include language. If everybody in a country speaks DIFFERENT languages, this is considered a centrifugal force because it is harder for people to communicate with each other and understand each other. This can cause problems for the society.


This word refers to the fact that many places have been controlled or affected by a variety of groups over a period of time; those groups have reshaped the functions or meanings of those places and left behind layers of meaning.

Sequent Occupancy. The Alhambra in Spain is a great example of sequent occupancy because it was a Mosque when Muslims controlled the area and then a palace for Queen Isabela of Spain when the Christians conquered the area later. It is an excellent example of sequent occupancy because this structure survived multiple conquerors and was used in different ways depending on who controlled it.


The difference between a sacred site and a secular site is...

Sacred sites are important for religious reasons, secular sites are important for non-religious sites. For example, the Taj Mahal is a Mosque that is holy because it is where Muslims pray and worship. On the other hand, Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, United States is a secular site because it is important to people due to the attack it sustained in 1941, which forced the United States into World War 2. Today, people visit the site to remember and honor the people who perished that day.


A language of international communication is known as this. To facilitate trade, speakers of two different languages agree to use a language known to both, which is called a...

Lingua franca. Imagine this: person A speaks French, person B speaks Spanish. Neither of these two people understand the other's language. HOWEVER! Both of these people's second language is English, so they decide to use English to communicate with each other. That is what a lingua franca is. Today, English is the world's lingua franca and this is mostly due to the British (who spoke English) imperialism and colonialism and the US being the sole superpower on Earth today.


When two languages mix and create a new language that has a large vocabulary and is an official language. it is considered a...

Creole language. Creole languages are more common in places where natives/indigenous people were colonized and their languages mixed with the languages of the colonizers. Although African slaves were not native to current-day Haiti (they were enslaved and were forcibly brought to the country), they arrived with their own languages. Eventually, they combined their languages with French (Haiti was colonized by the French and the French were their slaveowners) and today we have Haitian Creole, which is a language that is a mixture of French and the African languages that African slaves brought with them.

The difference between cultural convergence and cultural divergence is...

Cultural convergence describes when cultures are becoming more alike/similar, generally due to globalization and time-space compression. Cultural divergence describes when a culture is isolated, either by absorbing barriers (cultural taboo, cultural norms, laws, etc.) or physical geography (mountains, oceans, deserts, etc.), and therefore does not change much.


Haruto emigrated to the United States from Japan in 2022. Today, he speaks English in public and goes out to watch football with friends on the weekend. However, when he is home with his family who also emigrated from Japan, he only speaks Japanese and watches anime. This describes...

Acculturation. This is more common with immigrants. These people generally learn enough of their new country's culture in order to "fit in" in public, but at home they preserve their original culture (eat their traditional meals, speak their country's language, etc.).


Aino is Finnish-American. Her great-grandparents emigrated to the United States from Finland 60 years ago. She does not understand Finnish, which is all her grandparents speak (she only speaks English) and although they enjoy Finnish music, she prefers to listen to Harry Styles. This describes...

Assimilation. This is common amongst the children and grand-children (and so on) of immigrants. Assimilation is when, instead of preserving one's ancestral culture, the person accepts the culture of the country they currently live in.


The difference between ethnocentrism and cultural relativism is...

Ethnocentrism is when you compare another culture to your own, which generally leads to one believing their culture is superior than others. On the other hand, cultural relativism is attempting to learn about another culture before rushing to judge it or compare it to one's own. Generally speaking, cultural relativism leads one to believe that there is not a single superior culture, just that every culture is different. 

In terms of language, what role did colonialism play in the diffusion of it?

Languages diffused throughout the world due to relocation diffusion and hierarchical diffusion. It is considered relocation diffusion because the colonizers went from one place to another and spread their language that way. It is also considered hierarchical diffusion because once the colonizers took control of the land, they spread it to the people who were colonized.


What language tree does English belong to, what branch is it on, and what language group is it a part of?

English is part of the Indo-European tree, it is on the Germanic branch, and it is part of the West Germanic group.


Name four languages that are part of the Romance branch.

Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Haitian Creole, Romanian, Sicilian, Venetian, Neopolitan are languages on the Romance branch.


From largest to smallest, what is the structure of a language tree?

Language family, language branch, language group, languages.


The map shows the various languages in Nigeria. Nigeria would benefit from

A lingua franca. Lingua francas would make communication much easier for the various groups in this country.