Miranda Warnings/ Closing Args
Examinations/ Racial Profiling
Skills/ Guest Speakers

Which objection applies?

Did you pass English or Social Studies?

Compound question 


A witness that testifies to their special knowledge is a(n)….

Expert witness


When must an officer inform a suspect of their Miranda rights?

Custodial Interrogation


What Racial Profiling Theory is this?

If a disproportionate percentage of members of a race or ethnicity are stopped or arrested, a government action constitutes discrimination.

The Effects Test


What is the structure of a 5 paragraph argumentative essay?

Intro, Body 1, Body 2, Rebuttal Paragraph, Conclusion


Which objection applies? 

ATTORNEY: Did you yell at her? 

        WITNESS: No. 

        ATTORNEY: Did you scream at her? 

        WITNESS: No. 

Repetitive question


What does a lay witness testify? 

their personal knowledge


What is custodial interrogation?

1.When a police officer questions a suspect; AND

2. The suspect is not free to leave.


During which type of examination should you ask open ended questions?

Direct Examination


If an attorney discusses that they focus on discrimination against women in the workplace, what type of law is that?

civil rights law


Which objection applies? 

ATTORNEY: After you packed your bag, what did you do? 

        WITNESS: I left the house. I’ve been living there for over three years and it is dark and damp. Besides that, I think it’s haunted.

Narrative Answer 


Evidence that a judge determines cannot be heard by the jury

inadmissible evidence


What happens when a confession is given but the suspect was not informed of their Miranda rights?

The judge can rule to suppress the evidence


Why does the attorney ask the witness open-ended questions on direct?

they allow the witness to state freely what s/he saw or experienced.


What are the two categories of thesis statements?

value judgements and causal claims


Which objection applies? 

ATTORNEY: Who was in the room with you?

WITNESS: My friend, Jonathan.

ATTORNEY: And what was Jonathan doing?

WITNESS: He was playing cards. That’s when he told me that he knew something about the murder



A witness must be…

Credible, consistent, and well-spoken


List the 4 parts of the Miranda Warnings

You have the right to remain silent.

  1.  Anything you say can be used as evidence against you.

  2. You have the right to an attorney and to have that attorney present during   questioning.

  3. If you cannot afford an attorney, you are entitled to have on appointed to represent you before questioning.


What Racial Profiling Theory is this?

Racial profiling denies the person being profiled the same constitutional rights as someone who is not being profiled.

Equal Protection Theory


What are the two components of a thesis statement?

controlling idea and sub-points


What are the hearsay exceptions & definitions?

admission by defendant, dying declaration, excited utterance


Direction examination of the defense’s witnesses is stage # __ in the criminal trial process?

Stage #3


What are the 6 parts of the closing argument

Introduction, Summary of the Case, Summary of the Evidence, Basis of Guilt/Non-Guilt, Corroboration, and Conclusion 


What are the rules of Direct Examination (at least 3)

1.Use simple, carefully chosen language

2. Organize the questions logically

3.Use open-ended questions that allow the witness to explain

4.No leading questions!

5.Ask for fact, not opinions, unless the court has recognized the witness as an expert


 Per attorney Hall, why is it important for defendants to have representation prior to their arraignment?

Ms. Alexis .....