Basic Endocrine
Basic Respiratory
Basic Cardiovascular
Step by Step Processes
Random McRandomsalot

What cell in the pancreas secretes insulin? What about glucagon?

Beta cells- insulin

Alpha cells- glucagon


What are the two components of minute ventilation?

Breathing frequency and tidal volume


What structure in the heart keep the blood from moving between left and right chambers? What about from moving between the top and bottom chambers?

Septums stop left to right, valves control up and down


How does negative feedback work? Give an example

If something in the body is high, we lower it. If something is low we raise it. If body temp is high we reduce hormones that increase body temp. 

Where does heat production come from in the body?

The inefficient production of ATP!


List 3 hormones of the thyroid gland and their functions

Thyroxine- increase BP, HR, and metabolism

T3- same as Thyroxine

Calcitonin- controls blood calcium

Is inspiration active or passive? What about expiration? Why are they one or the other?

Inspiration is active because of the contraction of the diaphragm

Expiration is passive because the diaphragm is just relaxing


What is so important about capillaries and what allows them to work?

They are the site for exchange of nutrients and gasses between blood and tissue. Their thin cell walls allow movement of particles. 


The thyroid gland releases thyroid hormones. What is the process of control for the brain communicating with the thyroid gland to release these hormones?

Hypothalamus release TRH which travels between the capillary beds in the brain and arrives at the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland receives this signal and releases TSH into the blood stream which travels to the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland receives this signal and release thyroid hormones


Which has a greater influence on osmosis: particle size or particle number?

Particle number


List 2 hormones of the adrenal glands and their function

Cortisol- released during the stress response

Aldosterone- increased sodium retention

Catecholamines- increase metabolism, HR, and BP


Blood leaves the left ventricle and arrives at the tissue. What are the relative levels of CO2 in the blood and the tissue? What about the relative levels of O2 in the blood and the tissue?

CO2 is low in blood arriving at the tissue, and CO2 is high in the tissue. 

O2 is high in blood arriving at the tissue, and low in the tissue


What portion of the electrical system is the pacemaker of the heart? What does being the pacemaker mean?

The SA node. Every single heart beat is generated by the SA node

Walk through the step by step process of inspiration and expiration

Inspiration- diaphragm contracts and pulls down, volume in the lungs increases, pressure in the lungs decreases, pressure inside the lungs is now lower than the atmosphere so air moves in

Expiration- diaphragm relaxes and pushes up, volume in the lungs decreases, pressure in the lungs increases, pressure inside the lungs is now higher than the atmosphere so air leaves the lungs


What is Carter's dad's full name

Vern H Reed (III)

What would be the effects of hypothyroidism? What about hyper?

Hypo- increased body weight, lower body temp, normal heart rate

Hyper- inability to gain weight, higher body temp, elevated HR and BP

What is hypercapnia and what are 2 ways to induce it?

Hypercapnia is the buildup of CO2 in the blood. Breath holding and exercise lead to hypercapnia


Which 3 places does the SA node send electrical signal and what happens when it arrives at each location?

The SA node sends electricity to the left and right atria causing contraction of the atria. The electricity also reaches the AV node which pauses to allow the atria to contract before the ventricles. 


What were 3 functions of GLP-1/ GLP-1 agonists?

Decrease glucagon, increase insulin, increase satiety


What hormone is responsible for many of the changes we see in the body when we exercise in the heat?



The constant release of which hormone induced a goiter in our rat experiment? Where is it released from?

TSH from the pituitary gland 


Board question!! Write out the percentages of the 3 main gasses in inspired vs. expired air

Inspired- N2 ~79, O2 ~21, CO2 ~ 0.04

Expired- N2 ~79, O2 ~ 16-18, CO2 ~ 4


What is specifically happening during the 3 main parts of an EKG and what are the 3 main parts?

P wave- atrial contraction (depolarization)

QRS complex- ventricular contraction (depolarization)

T wave- ventricular repolarization 


Walk through the conduction system of the heart and how that leads to the movement of blood in and out of the heart

SA- AV- bundle of His, bundle branches, purkinje fibers

more info needed


What is the name of the rate limiting enzyme in glycolysis? What enzyme builds glycogen? What enzyme breaks down glycogen?

PFK, glycogen synthase, glycogen phosphorylase