The Courts
The Presidency

What is the incumbency advantage?

In 2024, incumbents in Congress were reelected at a rate of 98.5% --> incumbents are extremely likely to be reelected


Which political party has more confidence in the Supreme Court?

Republicans (39% confidence) v Democrats (13%)


What is veto power?

Veto power allows the President to veto a bill created and passed by Congress. However, Congress can "override" the veto by passing the bill with a 2/3 majority in both houses.


Define the makeup of Congress. What does it mean that we have a bicameral legislature?

bicameral legislature: legislature separated into 2 houses

Senate: 2 reps for each state

House: # of reps dependent on state's population size (minimum of 1)


What is the Rule of Four in the Supreme Court?

Only 4 justices (as opposed to a majority of 5) need to support having a case on the docket in order for it to get a slot


What is the honeymoon period?

The honeymoon period refers to the high popularity/approval rates enjoyed by a new leader, usually referring to an incoming president


What are the 3 models of congressional representation? Explain them.

trustee: reps use their own best judgment

delegate: reps should follow the will of their constituents

politico: trustee and delegate


Explain the impact of Marbury v Madison (1803)

established the Supreme Court's power of judicial review

judicial review is the power of the court that allows it to interpret the constitutionality of laws


Name 2 constitutional powers of the president

veto power, commander in chief, treaty negotiation (with Senate ratification), grant pardons, enforce laws passed by Congress, issue executive orders


What is 1 power that is exclusive to the House? 1 that is exclusive to the Senate?

House powers: origination of revenue bills, bringing of impeachment charges

Senate powers: advice & consent for judicial and executive appointments, advice & consent for treaties, trial of impeachment


Name 2 limitations of the courts

precedent, reactive nature, no enforcement mechanism, ability of executive and legislative branches to create new legislation to circumvent SC decisions, "rests on sustained public confidence", appointment power, Congressional power over makeup and power of courts


What is the rally 'round the flag effect?

concept used in political science to explain increased popular support for the government (especially the president) during periods of conflict, war, or international crisis.