Physical & Cognitive Development
Socioemotional Development
Defining Terms
Grab Bag

Motor development follows two rules: the cephalocaudal rule, which means development proceeds from ___________, and the proximodistal rule, which means development proceeds from _____________.

a) top-to-bottom; inside-to-outside

b) inside-to-outside; top-to-bottom

c) outside-to-inside; bottom-to-top

d) bottom-to-top; outside-to-inside

a) top-to-bottom; inside-to-outside


Infants who display secure attachment

a) hardly cry when their caregiver leaves the room.

b) use their caregiver as a secure base from which to explore the environment.

c) get very upset when their caregiver leaves and usually continue to show anger and distress when the caregiver returns.

d) pay little attention to what their caregiver is doing as they know that they are secure.

b) use their caregiver as a secure base from which to explore the environment.




Sandra is unable to accept the fact that she has been diagnosed with lung cancer. She refuses treatment despite her family's attempts to convince her. According to psychoanalytic theory, Sandra is unconsciously engaging in a defense mechanism called

a) denial

b) displacement

c) sublimation

d) reaction formation

a) denial


You arrange some pennies in two rows of equal length. A child views the rows and states that both rows have the same number of pennies. You spread out the pennies in the bottom row, so it is longer than the top row. The child now states that the bottom row has more pennies. This child is in which of Piaget's stages?

a) sensorimotor

b) preoperational

c) formal operational

d) concrete operational

b) preoperational


According to Erikson's theory of socioemotional development, the first 18 months of life are devoted to mastering which developmental task?

a) autonomy vs. shame

b) initiative vs. guilt

c) trust vs. mistrust

d) industry vs. inferiority

c) trust vs. mistrust


A(n) ___________ is any agent that causes a birth defect.

a) androgen

b) teratogen

c) progestogen

d) estrogen

b) teratogen


Maxim, a 35-year-old man, is diagnosed with a Grade IV brain tumor with no chance of recovery. His doctor informs him that he has very little time left. Maxim feels furious because of the unfairness of the situation, and he asks, "Why me?" According to Kübler-Ross, Maxim is in the ________ stage of coping with death.

a) depression

b) anger

c) denial

d) bargaining

b) anger


Which of the following refers to a period of rapid skeletal and sexual maturation that occurs mainly in early adolescence?

a) sensorimotor stage

b) preoperational stage

c) puberty

d) menopause

c) puberty


Mazie's mom is loving and caring. Her mom sets clear expectations on Mazie's behavior but allows verbal give-and-take. In terms of parenting styles, Mazie's mon can be described as

a) uninvolved 

b) authoritative

c) authoritarian

d) permissive

b) authoritative


________is a pattern of grief in which a traumatic grief experience leads to a long-term disruption of functioning in important life domains.

a) chronic dysfunction

b) resilience

c) recovery

d) delayed grief

a) chronic dysfunction


Which of the following is a difference between older and younger adults?

a) Younger adults are usually wiser than older adults.

b) Older adults process information faster than younger adults.

c) Younger adults do better than older adults in most aspects of memory.

d) Older adults take less time than younger adults to remember information about world knowledge. 

c) Younger adults do better than older adults in most aspects of memory.


What is the Socioemotional Selectivity Theory?

  • As we age, we tend to focus our energy on information and experiences that bring emotional satisfaction to us in the present

What is the definition of developmental psychology?

The study of how humans grow, develop, and change throughout the lifespan


Which stage of prenatal development takes place from the 2nd to 8th week?

a) germinal

b) conception

c) fetal

d) embryonic

d) embryonic

**BONUS: Double your points by stating when one of the other periods of prenatal development occurs**

**Another team can earn 500 points by stating when one of the other periods of prenatal development occurs**


According to Erikson's Theory of Psychosocial Development, what is the developmental crisis for identity vs role confusion?

  • Do I explore who I am ultimately emerging with a new sense of self?
  • In seeking an identity, adolescents must find out who they are, what they are all about, and where they are going in life.

**BONUS: Double your points by outlining the developmental crisis for another of Erikson's stages**

**Another team can earn 500 points by outlining the developmental crisis for another of Erikson's stages**

What is an internal working model?

A mental representation of one’s self, attachment figures, and general relationships