The complexity of an organism isn't proportional to the no. of genes.
What is C Value Paradox?
This tells the DNA polymerase to begin adding new bases to the template LAGGING strand.
What is RNA primase?
The directionality of reading strands for transcription
What is 3' to 5'?
fMet-tRNA enters this site of the ribosome
What is the Peptidyl site?
The correct order of how information moves through the genetic code, starting with DNA.
What is DNA --> RNA --> protein
An example of repetitive genes that encode for amino acids.
What is an rRNA gene?
The complementary strand to a template DNA strand that reads 5' CATTACGCT 3'
What is 3' GTAATG CGA 5'?
This molecule recognizes the promoter region of the DNA and associates with RNA pol. to unwind the DNA.
What is the sigma factor?
Enzymes involved in translation
What are Aminoacyl synthetase, and peptidyl transferase?
These organisms cannot grow on minimal media.
What is an auxotroph?
The difference between Tandem repeats.
VNTRs are longer and found between genes, STRs are shorter and dispersed throughout the genome.
This strand uses Helicase, DNA Polymerase III & I, RNA primase, and DNA ligase
What is the lagging strand?
These are the five differences between eukaryotic and prokaryotic transcription.
What are multiple specific RNA pol., upstream elements for eukaryotic initiation (PPEs), similar elongation mechanisms, Polyadenylation signal in eukaryotes, and RNA processing (5' cap, 3' PolyA tail, RNA splicing)?
This molecule helps in the folding of polypeptides, generating this example of a quarternary protein
The probability of phenylalanine being translated from a synthetic mRNA strand that has a ratio of 2C:1U
What is 11%?
This experiment concluded DNA forms beads-on-a-string around histone cores
What is Noll's Hypothesis?
Two enzymes specific to prokaryotic and eukaryotic replication respectively.
What is DNA gyrase and Telomerase?
This sequence can determine the rate of replication (and transcription) when compared to other genes or species.
What is a conserved sequence?
This sequence is upstream of the AUG start site and recruits a subunit of a ribosome to initiate translation.
What is the shine-Dalgarno sequence and 16s rRNA?
Beadle and Tatum's hypothesis
What is one gene - one enzyme?
Bacterial DNA is compacted using these mechanisms
What are Supercoiling and looped domains?
A group containing a sugar and a nitrogen base
What is a nucleoside?
A mutation introduces multiple Gs and Cs in a uracil-rich region at the end of a gene, affecting this type of termination.
What is ρ-independent termination?
This amino acid has these isoacceptor tRNAs:
5' AUG 3' and 5' GUG 3'
What is histidine (codon CAU, CAC)?
This is not a feature of the genetic code- overlapping, 3rd base wobble, degenerate, universal.
What is overlapping?