Great Depression & New Deal
Great Depression & New Deal 2
WWII & Homefront
Civil Rights Movement
Why was the 1920s called the "roaring 20's"?
The 1920's was called the "roaring 20's" because it was an era of change (society & culture was changing).
What did the Keynesian Theory suggest?
This theory suggested that federal government spending can recover and sustain the economy.
What is the "New Deal"?
FDR created the New Deal, which consisted of the 3 r's (recovery, relief, & reform), to fight the effects of the Great Depression by using federal power to rebuild the economy.
What are Victory Gardens?
During WWII, women were encouraged to grow vegetation in their backyards to provide for war effort.
What happened to Emmett Till?
After being accused of flirting with a White woman, Emmett Till was cruelly murdered by her relatives. This incident indicates that Blacks were persistently treated as 2nd class citizens.
How did the role of women change in the 1920's?
Traditional roles of women changed, as concept of new women emerged. The new women sought career/income; they smoked, drank alcohol, etc., which depleted the moral influence they previously had on the society.
What were the symptoms of the Great Depression?
Stock market crash/black Tuesday.
What did Hoover's "Reconstruction Finance Corporation" (RFC) do?
Empowered states by providing them with money to lend to local governments and big businesses (e.g., banks, railroads, etc.).
What is the 2nd great migration?
Due to increased unemployment rate in the South, Blacks migrated to the North and West for more opportunities.
What happened at the "Greensboro Sit-Ins"?
Black college students challenged the segregation that was upheld in Woolworth restaurant. As a result, the students were violently mistreated (although the students did not respond violently). Eventually, the restaurant re-opened and desegregated.
How did the society react to the changes occurring in the 1920's?
Society was fearful of the changes.
What were the causes of the great depression?
Consumer debt -> society stopped consuming -> unemployment increases -> economy slows down and eventually crashes.
What did President Roosevelt do when he took office?
established the Bank Holiday.
How did the role of women, Blacks/minorities change during WWII?
Blacks/minorities and women disproved the stereotypes and mythology by effectively working and contributing to the war efforts. However, after WWII, when soldiers returned, they were prioritized and women & Blacks/minorities were not given job opportunities.
What encouraged the Black Civil Rights Movement?
Blacks, who were repeatedly treated as 2nd class citizens, disproved the stereotypes about them by proving themselves as efficient workers during WWII. However, after soldiers returned from the war, blacks were treated as 2nd class citizens again. Thus, to gain their rights as 1st class citizens (which was promised through amendment 14), they start the Civil Rights Movement.
What was the economic state in the 1920s?
Economy was booming and consumer debt was growing.
Define the Glass Steagall Act.
This act introduced the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), which insures peoples' money in the bank.
What did the Social Security Act do?
Provided general welfare of the public by paying benefits to the elderly, disabled, maternal, and children. However, this act was a pyramid/ponzi scheme, as it claimed to provide retirement money at 65 years old, although the average life expectancy was 61 years old at that time. Nevertheless, this act strengthens the relationship between government and individual, as it creates dependency of individual on the government.
Who wins the WWII and why?
U.S. (part of the allies) production dominates the production of the axis power and won the war.
What is the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
This act demands equality for all Blacks and opposes segregation.
What was the Big Plow Up?
Millions of acres were used for overproduction; overproduction lead to less demand of crops, which created agricultural recession in the 1920s.
Why were banks failing during the Great Depression?
Due to fear of the economic condition, people withdrew money from banks. Moreover, the banking system was structurally weak from raising tariffs and income taxes. Also, government was trying to reinforce money through gold standard, which created economic deflation.
What was the purpose of the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)?
This act purposed to balance the supply and demand by paying the farmers to stop the production of crops, which is effective in reducing production and increasing prices. However, this was problematic, as people stopped consuming due to the increased prices, which results in undernourished children and starving adults. This act also ends sharecropping.
What is "Total War"?
Americans made sacrifices during the war by combining national economic output with growing technology and a mobilization of the civilian population to contribute to the war efforts. In other words, U.S. citizens vigorously worked together to increase production for the war.
What is the result of Brown v. Board of Education?
This act established that separation/segregation is inherently unequal, so it bans segregation in public schools (South opposed this decision).