Causes of the American Revolution 1
Causes of the American Revolution 2
War of Independence 1
War of Independence 2
Declaration of Independence

True or False: The Battle of Concord was won easily by the British


The British soldiers were known in the colonies as

redcoats/lobster backs


Minutemen were

people who could be ready to fight in 1 minute


Two advantages the Colonies had over the British were.......

Knew to to fight hidden (guerilla warfare), had better rifles, fought on their own land, had brave leaders, were fighting for their freedom


Officially, the United States becomes a nation.....when



The colonies were somewhat prepared to fight at the Battles of Lexington and Concord because

They had militias, been warned by Paul Revere that the British were coming


The BIGGEST advantage the British had over the colonies in the war was

Their powerful Navy


Choose all the correct letter: The Colonies had what major DISADVANTAGES against the British:

A) Had a Powerful Navy, B) Men escaped after the battles, C) Did not have a Navy, D) Had decades of combat experience, E) Defeated other powerful nations F) Had a small army that was not well trained and depended on militias


What did the colonies demonstrate at the battles of Lexington and Concord?

That they could fight, were not afraid of the British, were not cowards


True or False: According to the Declaration of Independence, all people are create equal

False (all men) are created equal


In order to further crush the Revolution, the British hired 

Hessian Soldiers (German soldiers)


The Continental Congress helped keep the war effort going strong by ...................

Creating a Continental Army, Naming Washington General of the Continental Army, getting money to fight the war, allowing slaves to join the Continental Army

The main reasons the Redcoats went to Lexington and Concord was to

capture the colonial leaders


What officially makes the United States a nation?

The Treaty of Paris of 1783


When a government fails its people, it is the duty of that people to

change the government


According to Thomas Paine, it was Common Sense to have our own country because....give one reason

There are no benefits to being part of the British, The British are tyrannical/oppressive, it would be better to have our own government


A central government is

A national government that would be in charge of the 13 colonies


The British demonstrated at the battles of Bunker Hill and Brooklyn that 

They wanted to crush the Continental Army as soon as possible


The Battles of Trenton and Saratoga were turning points because....(must have the precise answer)

They turned the tide of the war in favor of the colonies (because they had been losing)


E pluribus Unum means exactly...................... but it also means

Out of many, one--------out of 13 colonies, one nation


Besides the Hessians, which other group helped the British against the colonies in the War of Independence

The Native Americans


The Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia in 1775 because

The British ignored the Declaration of Rights and Grievances in 1774


What did Washington hope to accomplish with his Newburg Address?

To calm his soldiers down, avoid an insurrection, maintain the idea of democracy


True or False: The battle of Yorktown was a turning point because it decided the outcome/result of the war

False (it is a DECISIVE POINT)


One of the main messages of the Declaration of Independence was

that people have rights that cannot be taken away, that the government gets its power from the people