whats the importance of forests in beliefs and traditions of the people of Nepal and how it contributes to forest conservation
advantages for children when they have access to nature play
- increased creativity
- improved classroom success
- helps children with ADHD to increase focus
- improves mental and immune health
describe how plant fibers are used and classified & give an example
can be used for cordage (ropes), filling (couches, pillows), and textiles (cloth). there are different types of fibers such as:
- surface fibers like cotton
- hard fibers from leaves like sisal
- bast/soft fibers from the inner stem like hemp
explain how human dispersal of plant material can have negative consequences
people will carry invasive seeds back home with them which is the biggest contributor to the spread of invasive species
describe the structure of a bulb
asexual reproduction, have large buds surrounding fleshy leaves with a small stem at the lower end
name the source and origin of frankincense (plant compounds, name, and location)
plant compound: tree species
name: boswellia
location: Dhofar
how is peyote used in rituals and what are legal issues associated with its use
it's a hallucinogenic plant to bring a spiritual mood during rituals, it is a schedule 1 drug and the united states banned recreational use (as it has no real medical uses and has the highest risk of abuse)
know general uses for each of the plants: cotton, flax, hemp
cotton: used cotton for textiles for thousands of years
flax: a source of linen, used for weaving baskets and binding tools, also produces linseed oil which is good for paints, and linoleum floors
hemp: good source of fatty acids for health benefits
name the land animal thought to be the longest distance dispersal of seeds and state how many seeds can be carried.
the african savanna elephant is the largest land animal and can carry 3,200 seeds
describe the phenomenon, Tulipmania, including when and where it occurred.
tulipmania was the first major market bubble and there was a burst of demand on tulip bulbs, and could be traded over and over again, they popularized in 1593 and occurred in the Netherlands
name the earliest time during which people used plants to commemorate the dead and explain evidence
the earliest time people used plants to commemorate the dead was in the Neanderthal period, where archeologists found fossilized plants and flowers that were in burials for the afterlife
how do healers connect physical and spiritual health, how are plants used to restore balance?
herbal baths are thought to restore Ch’ulel which is considered a vital life force, meaning “holy” and these herbal baths are made up of various plants to restore imbalances
describe how plants respond to or protect themselves from herbivory, listing examples and distinguishing between mechanical and chemical defenses
they protect themselves through secondary chemicals, spines, or hard to eat
know the term diploendozoochory
difference between annual and perennial and know which type wild tulips are
wild tulips are perennials but mostly grown as annuals. perennials mean that the above-ground part of the plant dies from freezing weather in the winter but regrows from the base in spring. annuals grow for one long season then die from freezing weather.
what is nature deficit disorder
an increase in childhood obesity and childhood psychological issues such as ADD, anxiety, and depression due to kids spending less time outdoors
describe the ways in which olive oil has been used for spiritual, religious, or celebratory purposes
- the jewish menorah
- the holy qur'an
- clay lamps from jerusalem
- roman catholic pope blessing oil
- greek goddess athena grew an olive tree from her spear
name 4 ways that fruits and seeds are dispersed and give a specific example for each.
wind dispersal
animal dispersal
water dispersal
gravity dispersal
seed dispersal by land animal vs migratory birds
migratory birds can travel further from flight and germinate in their digestive tract, however, land animals can carry more
distinguish hybridized tulips from wild species.
hybridized tulips are selectively bred and have a variety of colors and shapes compared to wild tulips. they are also from two different parent species (ex. Darwin Hybrid). wild tulips are native to specific regions and can grow without human intervention.
describe horticulture therapy
horticulture therapy is the engagement of people with planting to improve physical, mental, and emotional health
name specific mental and physical health issues that are alleviated using horticultural therapy or natural settings
- PTSD and depression from war veterans
- reduced crime
- psychiatric hospitals implemented nature to improve mental well-being
describe how plant chemical defense compounds (secondary metabolites) are used by human cultures and how they sometimes benefit other herbivores.
secondary compounds can help humans learn from plants, for example, the chemical mimicry-trick allows insects to move through their life cycle more quickly to avoid demolition of plant leaves like the gypsy moth larvae
explain how herbivores sometimes overcome plant defense mechanisms. Know examples
giraffes will eat the leaves from the top of the tree to avoid being poked by thorns
explain the effect of the virus on broken tulip color and name the animal vector for the virus
the virus vector is called an aphid, which is a tiny organism that goes from one plant to another and carries the virus while taking a plant’s nectar for nutrients. the beautiful breaks in the tulip color were created from the virus.