Dem Bones
Arthritis and then some

A patient with breast cancer is concerned for metastasis when what lab is elevated? 

What is Calcium? May indicate bone cancer.


External radiation causes burns to the skin. How should the nurse instruct the patient to care for the burned area? 

What is wash with warm water, pat dry, do not wash off markings, do not apply lotions/powders, keep out of sun?


What would delay a surgery from happening- such as a total joint arthroplasty? 

What is a recent infection?


Do ligaments affect movement?

What is no?


What are manifestations of RA?

What is fever, early morning stiffness, autoimmune, systemic involvement?


What does an elevated PSA indicate?

What is prostate cancer?


What is the nadir period? What is the patient most at risk for developing during this period? 

What is 7-10 days after initial chemotherapy whare a patient's WBC is at its lowest? What is infection?


What foods are high in calcium?

What is green leafy vegetables, milk products, yogurt, cheese?


What does curvature of the spine or kyphosis place a patient at risk for?

What is pneumonia- due to the lack of flexibility of the thoracic cage needed for proper inhalation and exhalation? 


What are hip arthroplasty precautions?

What is do not flex over 90 degrees, use an abductor pillow to prevent adduction, do not turn on operative side?


What are normal values of albumin? If a patient has a low albumin count what should the nurse do? 

What is 3.4-5.4? The patient is in need of nutritional intervention.


What are risk factors for developing skin cancer?

What is UV ray exposures? Sunburns as a child greatly increase risk of skin cancer development as an adult. 


When monitoring a patient with suspected rhabdomyolysis what should the nurse pay close attention to?

What is urine output and color?


After an amputation- what intervention is essential for future ambulation?

What is lying prone 4xs a day for 20-30 minutes?


What are manifestations of a fat embolism?

What is tachycardia, confusion, tachypnea, and petechiae rash? 


Which labs indicate bone destruction?

What is elevated calcium and elevated alkaline phosphatase (ALP)?


What does palliative care mean?

What is care that is focused at the relief of symptoms? Not curative.


What are early signs of acute compartment syndrome?

What are late signs of acute compartment syndrome?

What is unrelieved pain?

What is lack of distal pulse, poikilothermia, and paralysis?


What is phantom pain and how is it treated?

What is pain in the area after amputation- treated with anticonvulsants?


What are nursing interventions for a patient that has osteoarthritis?

What is maintain a health weight (BMI), regular exercise that is not hard on the joints- think walk instead of run, healthy diet?


What lab is associated with osteoporosis?

Low calcium levels 

Normal calcium levels are 8.5-10.2


What are signs and/or symptoms of a deep vein thrombosis?

What is swollen, warm, discolored, painful area ( lower extremity)?


What are risk factors for developing osteoporosis?

What is a patient taking steroids, anticonvulsants, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, female, post menopausal, obese?


What is the treatment for a ankle sprain?

What is RICE?


What are gout patient education the nurse should reinforce with the patient?

What is restrict purines and alcohol from diet? Increase fluid intake and avoid diuretic/aspirin use.