Findings of Watson and Crick
What is "DNA is a double helix"?
What is using DNA as a template to make more DNA?
opens up DNA strands
What is helicase?
type of macromolecule that is added to DNA in order to replicate it
What are deoxyribonucleotides?
What is a bacterial infection?
What is bacteria?
Findings of Meselson and Stahl
What is the semiconservative model for DNA replication?
What is taking DNA and using it as a template to make RNA?
makes a short RNA sequence that is used to start DNA synthesis
What is primase?
the number of replication forks at a single origin of replication
What is 2?
viruses that are spread through animals
What are zoonotic viruses?
Findings of Hershey and Chase
What is "DNA is the genetic material"?
What is taking RNA and using it as a template to make proteins?
connects Okazaki fragments
What is ligase?
is read 3' to 5' by a polymerase
What are the template strands?
the type of nucleic acid(s) in their genomes
What is DNA and what is RNA?
Findings of Griffith
What is the transforming principle?
Coding RNA
What is RNA that is used to make polypeptides?
removes RNA and extends an Okazaki fragment
What is DNA polymerase I?
polymerase that proofreads
What is DNA polymerase? What are DNA polymerases?
DNA pol. I and III
the host cell's fate during the lytic cycle
What is cell lysis?
What is cell death?
Findings of Briggs and King
What is "the genetic material is in the nucleus"?
Gene (Dr. Johnson's Definition)
What is:
a region of specific DNA bases, whose sequence is transcribed into coding or non-coding RNA,
the non-transcribed DNA bases that regulate the temporal, spatial, and developmental expression of that RNA
prevents strands from rebinding during replication
The ends of chromosomes
What are telomeres?
when viral particles release from cell without killing the cell
What is egression?