Pet Nutrition
College Trivia

Which requires more energy (per kg of body weight) in the diet:

Neutered dog vs intact dog

Male dogs vs. female dogs

Lactating cat vs. male cat 

Which requires more metabolizable energy(per kg of body weight):

small dog or big dog

Intact dog

No difference

Lactating cat

small dogs


What is the active form of vitamin A? What is the pro-vitamin?

Where is each of them found?

Active: Retinol (animal tissue)

Pro-vitamin: beta-carotene (plants)


What minerals are known as the electrolytes?

Forages are rich one but not in the other...

Na, K, Cl

rich in K, not in Na and Cl


What is the function of ADH?

It enhances water reabsorption from the kidneys and helps restore the extracellular fluid volume.

(The hypothalamus signals the pituitary gland to release it when blood Na is high.)


What does SAT or ACT stand for?

SAT: Scholastic Aptitude Test

ACT: American College Testing


What is an essential amino acid specifically for cats?

What is an essential fatty acid specifically for cats?

What food is a good source of both of these?


Arachidonic Acid

Meat and organs (NOT plants)


How does a cobalt deficiency in plants cause a vitamin B12 deficiency in a cow consuming the plant?

Who absorbs vitamin B12 better: cow or horse? Why?

Cobalt is necessary for microbes to make vitamin B12. If the soil and the plant are deficient, then the animal consuming it will be, too. 

Cow (intrinsic factor in abomasum combines with vitamin B12 to form a complex so it can be better absorbed in the SI)


Why do grazing cattle develop grass tetany when grazing lush spring pasture?

Spring grass is fast growing

Low in Mg and high in K

K interferes with Mg absorption 


Which is more susceptible to nitrate: cow or pig?

Why is nitrate a problem in one but not the other?

cow because they have microbes that convert nitrate to nitrate which is more potent (nitrite causes hemoglobin to lose its ability to bind to oxygen)

cows have microbes, pigs don't


This university boasts the highest tuition fee in the nation:

a. Columbia

b. Harvard

c. Georgetown

d. Stanford 



Why do small animals need to burn more calories to produce heat per kg of body weight?

They have increased surface area per kg of BW, which means increased heat loss per kg of body weight, and more metabolizable energy is spent to produce heat per kg of body weight, which is why they require more metabolizable energy in their diet.


What vitamins are higher in plants?

Which are higher in meat/animal tissues?

Plants: C, E, K, D2, (beta-carotene)

Meat: A (retinol), D3


If a ruminant animal was deficient in sulfur, what amino acids and vitamins would you expect them to also be deficient in?

Other hand, if you had a cow who was consuming water that was high in sulfur, what are two things that may be happening in their body?

Cysteine and methionine

biotin (vitamin B7) and thiamine (vitamin B1)

Diarrhea and reduced copper absorption (copper is needed to mature RBC) (anemia potentially if vitamin B12 and iron are low too)


Why is urea in urine a bigger concern than nitrogen in feces in farm animals?

How can we limit urea in urine? (What is potentially being overfed)

Urea --> ammonia (fast) making it hard for us to mitigate it

fecal nitrogen to nitrate is slow, we have time to control it a little bit 

(Just think time for this question)

Limit urea by limit protein(nitrogen), only feed what you need (essential amino acids and proteins with high biological value)


What is the most common undergraduate major in the United States?



What are two vitamins that we need to supplement dogs and cats with, and why?

Thiamine (vitamin B1) (critical for energy metabolism and nervous system function)

Vitamin D3

They lack the enzyme to convert both


Give three examples of how vitamins support the utilization of other nutrients in the body.

Vitamin C enhances non-heme iron absorption

Vitamin D supports the absorption of Ca and P

Vitamin B12 in energy metabolism 


Why can't minerals directly provide energy to the body?

they are inorganic and do not contain C-H bonds (meaning no way to convert to ATP)


How can we decrease enteric methane emissions in cows?

Increasing starch at the expense of fiber (decrease CO2 and H2 production by increasing propionate over acetate)

Increasing fat in diet (decreases H2, remember H2 is used in biohydrogenation)

Monensin/Rumensin (same mech as starch)

3NOP (Inhibits enzymes of reaction that produce CH4)

Red seaweed


What is the nickname for the athletic teams at Ohio State University?



a.) Calculate the daily metabolizable energy requirement of a puppy (0-4 months) weighing 5 kg.

b.) One serving of food provides 450 kcal of metabolizable energy. How many servings does the puppy need to meet his energy demands?

c.) Using the thumb rule from class, what is the minimum amount of protein you have to feed this puppy?

a.) RER= 70 x (BW)^0.75= 234.06

Daily calorie requirement= RER x 3.0= 702.18 kcal/day

b.) 702.18/ 450= 1.56 servings per day

c.) 5 kg x 2.5 g of protein= 12.5 grams/day 


Tell me one thing about every vitamin we have discussed in class.

A, B12, C, D3, E, K

(can be anything, function, pathway they are involved, where they are located, animals they are better utilized in, etc.)


How do the three hormones regulate blood Ca levels?

Vitamin D3: increase by increasing Ca absorption from SI and increasing Ca reabsorption in the kidneys

PTH: increases by enhancing bond resorption and increasing Ca reabsorption in kidneys

Calcitonin: decreases by increasing bone mineralization and decreasing Ca reabsorption in the kidneys 


Which excretes more phosphorus in their feces: pig or cow?

Why is this a problem for the environment?

How can we, as nutritionists, fix this problem?


Corn has 70-80% of P bound to phytic acid. ruminants have microbes that can produce phytase, but pigs do not. So we can feed them synthetic phytase to overcome this challenge. OR you can feed low-phytate corn

Environment: Excess P causes excessive growth of algae which decreases O2 supply to aquatic life around it


What is the powerhouse of the cell?
