Social Psychology Definitions
Social Psychology Definitions
Stress/Health/Lifestyle Definitions

What type of conformity describes people going along with the group to fit in, feel good, and be accepted?
A. normative influence

B. informational influence

C. obedience

D. none of the above

normative influence


What term describes a group's expectations of what is appropriate and acceptable behavior?

A. norms

B. scripts

C. social roles

D. social cues



You turn in an assignment late, and your teacher attributes to you being lazy. What type of attribution are they using?

A. situationism

B. dispositionism

C. internal locus of control

D. external locus of control


What term describes a belief/assumption of an individual based solely on their group membership?

A. prejudice

B. discrimination

C. stereotype



What influence on behavior is determined by internal factors?

A. attributions

B. situationism

C. dispositionism

D. attraction



What term describes when we have psychological discomfort due to holding two or more inconsistent attitudes, behaviors, or cognitions?

A. justification effort

B. central route

C. peripheral route

D. cognitive dissonance

cognitive dissonance


What type of stressor would breaking your arm be?

A. chronic stressor

B. acute stressor

C. distress

D. eustress

acute stressor


How many phases does the General Adaptation Syndrome have?

A. 4

B. 2

C. 6

D. 3

alarm reaction, resistance/habituation, recovery/exhaustion


Which term represents when an individual overemphasize internal factors as explanations for the behavior of others and underestimates the power of the situation?

A. halo effect

B. fundamental attribution error

C. actor observer bias

D. self serving bias

fundamental attribution error 

Which route of persuasion involves logic, facts, and direct messages?

A. peripheral route

B. education route

C. advertising route

D. central route

central route


There are two clubs in school. One that accepts everyone and one that accepts a select few and requires many steps to be accepted. Which club, according to the justification of effort are we going to find to like more?

A. club that accepts everyone

B. club that accepts a select few

C. both clubs we would like the same

D. all of the above 

club that accepts a select few


What type of person is more hostile, angry, or  competitive and has increased risk of CVD?

A. type A

B. type B

C. type C

D. type D

type A


What term represents attributing other people's behavior to internal factors but attributing own behavior to situational factors?

A. fundamental attribution error

B. self serving bias

C. actor observe bias

D. just world hypothesis

actor observer bias


Which term refers to holding a belief/assumption of individual based only on their group membership?

A. prejudice

B. discrimination

C. stereotype



Your friend asks you if you could pick them up from class 15 minutes away, then they ask you if you will drive them another hour to pick up a special game they want. What type of persuasion technique are they using with you?

A. central persuasion

B. foot in the door persuasion

C. peripheral persuasion 

D. none of the above

foot in the door persuasion 


Which type of appraisal deals with the judgement about the degree of potential harm a stressor can have on your well being?

A. secondary appraisal

B. primary appraisal

C. parental appraisal

D. social appraisal 

primary appraisal 


What term describes the belief that people get the outcomes they deserve?

A. just world hypothesis

B. self serving bias

C. fundamental attribution error

D. dispositionism 

just world hypothesis


Which term describes seeking out information that supports our stereotypes and ignoring information inconsistent with them?

A. confirmation bias

B. in group

C. out group

D. scapegoating

confirmation bias 


Your grandmother recently passed away. What type of coping strategy will you most likely use?

A. perceived control

B. emotion focused coping

C. problem focused coping

D. learned helplessness

emotion focused coping


What type of stress management includes bodily information being shown in real time (facial muscle movement, brain activity, skin temperature), which allows the person to voluntarily control these processes?

A. relaxation response technique

B. exercise

C. biofeedback

D. social support
