What does PPV stand for?
Positive Pressure Ventilation
What is Hypoxemia?
Low level of oxygen in the blood
Failure of two or more organ systems that results from SIRS?
If a client has a Unilateral Lung Disorder, what position should you put them in? Which side?
Side-Lying or Lateral with the "good lung down"
What type of shock is caused by the release of vasoactive mediators that increase capillary permeability?
Anaphylactic Shock
What is WOB and how can it be assessed?
The effort needed by respiratory muscles to inhale air into the lungs
What is Hypercapnia?
Build up of Carbon Dioxide in your blood
What is the by-product of anaerobic metabolism?
Lactate- Measured first in the 1-hour sepsis bundle
What is contraindicated for a client who has a TBI with increased intracranial pressure, unstable orthopedic injury, or recent hemoptysis
Chest Physiotherapy (ex. Percussion, Vibration, Postural Drainage)
The Body is able to compensate for 15% volume loss.
At what percent will blood volume need to be replaced?
What is CPAP? What condition would a client need CPAP for?
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure- Provides pressure during inspiration AND expiration.
Sleep Apnea
Absolute Hypovolemia
Loss of intravascular fluid volume via fistula, diabetes insipidus, diuresis, vomiting, diarrhea, or hemorrhage
How much fluid is given to start fluid resuscitation?
What is Chest Physiotherapy?
Coughing techniques used to clear secretions
In what stage of Shock does cellular metabolism change from aerobic to anaerobic?
Initial Stage
What is BiPAP?
Describe criteria a client must meet to use BiPAP.
Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure
Alert, Awake, able to breathe spontaneously, able to tolerate a face mask
Relative Hypovolemia
Occurs when fluid moves out of the vascular space and into extravascular spaces (ex. tissues, abdominal cavity)
Histamine receptor blocker used for anaphylactic shock
How far should the ET tube be from the carina on the chest x-ray?
2-3 cm
Compensatory Stage
What is SIRS?
A systemic inflammatory response to a variety of insults
What is Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation?
Rare but serious condition that causes abnormal blood clotting throughout the body's blood vessels.
What are complications of fluid resuscitation?
Hypothermia, Coagulopathy, Hypocalcemia, DIC
How can you prevent VAP?
Aseptic technique, Hand hygiene
In what stage of Shock does Anasarca (generalized edema of the body) occur in?
Progressive Stage